Everyone in the entertainment industry is a liar, and in the rest of the conglomerate. The media, politics, corporations, everyone either has participated in the voyeurism or has heard about it for long enough to have the obligation of doing something about it, and nobody has tried to have it stopped. The number of people who know that I'm telling the truth about the voyeurism and who haven't tried to have it stopped is as obscene as the crimes are.
As far as other misconduct is concerned, Ms. DeGeneres, although she is a vicious, ignorant, cowardly hypocrite like everyone else in her business, is probably being singled out because she is gay. She wasn't scrutinized before because she's female; now that the Democratic Party and the M&E industry have collapsed Me Too, she's the next token perp.
I think that was always all that the entertainment industry was going to do about Me Too: get rid of a few gay people, a few black people, a few B-listers, a few ugly people. Nobody whom the industry couldn't do without while remaining exactly the same.
There's nobody left to go after for accountability. You can't go after old, white men because of Vice President Biden. You can't go after people of color because of the current incarnation of Black Lives Matter and its exploitation. They were never going to go after the A-list, attractive, heterosexual, white men and women. 😂 Ellen DeGeneres has been "Gay Karened." I do not support the use of the term "Karen" any more than I did before Ms. DeGeneres was having her career ruined, nor do I think she shouldn't be accountable, but I just realized that's what it is. There she is, a white, older woman, single for all intensive purposes when she's hosting her show. Who else? Who else fits the "Karen" profile as much as she does, other than being gay?