Thursday, September 3, 2020

Antisemitism didn't cause this loss.

Mayor Morse's behavior did.

From Google for "Alex Morse":






This article doesn't mention that Mayor Morse had sex with college students.  

"The group" apologized after being pressured by the Intercept's biased reporting, some political endorsements which were based on that reporting, an outrageous article from the New York Times that proclaimed Mayor Morse "vindicated" even though he's still under investigation and which minimized his having slept with college students, and some other mainstream media which also minimized his having slept with college students.  

He was already the MAYOR of Holyoke.  Antisemitism didn't prevent him from being elected to Congress.  

Yet again, I'll say that, judging by his Twitter, Mayor Morse is coping with the loss more gracefully than anyone who is trying to defend him.