Tuesday, September 1, 2020

I'm no fan of Vice President Biden.

I'm really no fan of DA Rollins, and Representative Pressley is not growing on me.

From DA Rollins' Twitter:

That is still DA Rollins' pinned Tweet.  

From Representative Pressley's Twitter:


From "The Real Segun Idowu's Twitter":



There is still no mention at DA Rollins' or Representative Pressley's Twitter of the police brutality case involving Mayor Morse, or of the Jacobin interview in which Mayor Morse has implied that the claims of the victim were exaggerated, that the lawyer for the victim was dishonest, and that the case was written about recently because the person who wrote about it "doesn't support" Mayor Morse's campaign for Congress.  And is therefore partisan?  Is therefore a bad person?  Anyone who doesn't support Mayor Morse is wrong?
In my opinion, there are some prominent people who are not making a secret of thinking that supremacy for people of color is a worthwhile goal; not equality, supremacy.  In addition to that, they have a definite preference for who should be first to benefit from that supremacy (they think they should) and who can be thrown aside as a casualty in the service of a larger platform that still includes powerful white people and an aggressive segment of the media.  All of this is a problem.