Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Massachusetts has a lot of colleges and universities.

Maybe the people who live here don't want to fuck that up internationally by sending someone to Congress who SLEPT WITH COLLEGE STUDENTS WHEN HE WAS A TEACHER AND A MAYOR.

I'm not going to tell you to mind your business all the time, because you're reporters.  However, please knock it the fuck off with the "Mayor Morse is a victim" bullshit.

It seems to me that trying to get one big story is a bad career plan for anyone in journalism.  Like anything else, doing good work every day is what makes a career solid.  If you do that, then you'll be ready to deal with it if you are met with the opportunity for a big story.  You're not going to get there with bullshit; no, I'll qualify.  You're not going to get somewhere worth being with bullshit.

Also, please leave this messed up guy alone.  You turned him into a blimp with your name on it, and you made him believe that he was entitled to exploit people and to lie.  

From Ryan Grim's Twitter: