The sad thing is that the guy who wrote "The Feminist Schizophrenic Who Society Did Fail" is nowhere near being the worst person to have written about me online.
He didn't threaten violence toward me. He didn't say that I should kill myself.
No, he just thinks I should be committed to an insane asylum and not allowed to have an apartment or get an education. That's his version of trying to be nice to me, a "radical feminist."
Although the derogatory blogs about me are making it impossible for me to get a place to live or a job, they have done a lot to reduce the incidents of my being stalked. I know that wasn't what the people who published them meant for them to do; however, I'm getting to be so famous as a result of all of the unrequested publicity from other people's blogs about me that people can't obviously stalk me anymore without knowing that millions of people will hear about it. There are so many negatives to being famous that I should at least consider this positive.
I don't have millions of dollars to protect my image, the way that celebrities do, and it shows. Here are quotes from Carey Martell, one...
Although my life is really awful, I am not in the dire situation described at the previous page. Unfortunately, I'll be 46 this summer...