Sunday, August 19, 2018

The conglomerate has already criminally victimized thousands of people.

From homeless people and psychiatric patients, the voyeurism is working its way up the socioeconomic scale.  Unsuspecting, middle class people are now being criminally victimized by voyeurism in gym locker rooms.  

This is another of the crimes that hyperprivileged people think are amusing when they're perpetrated against everyone else and think are outrageous when perpetrated against them.  

You're not supposed to have to buy your privacy rights.  Rich people and powerful organizations are not supposed to be able to watch everyone else in the bathroom, or to use the threat of criminal exposure against the First Amendment rights of their targets. 

It is shameful that the New York Times or anyone else who works in the media needs to have this spelled out, especially considering the high and mighty tone that the media tends to like to have about its lofty calling.