That's a picture of part of the first page of the Boston Globe's website today.
Many, although not all, journalists and editors have been the enemy of civilization since 2010, when they began to promote sexual harassment, stalking, femicide and child rape.
The conglomerate media has also used fascist tactics to isolate dissenters to its agenda of crime, attacking everyone who doesn't abuse those dissenters, even rumor-mongering and threatening people whom dissenters haven't known or spoken to for years.
The conglomerate media hacks people's phones, email and every other electronic profile, watches its targets in their homes and in their homelessness, leering and screeching insults.
The conglomerate media lies to the public by omission, choosing whom will be portrayed as heroes and villains according to who offers the least opposition to the conglomerate. You can commit and promote crimes and be lauded by the conglomerate media if they are crimes which the conglomerate wants to legalize, or if you can be used as a weapon against those whom the conglomerate doesn't like for other reasons.
"A sustained assault on the free press" isn't a "central pillar of President Trump's politics." A sustained assault on President Trump has been the media's main story since before he was elected. He was elected against everything that the media said about him and in spite of every media prediction about who the winner would be.
Rather than the media considering that a lot of the public doesn't trust the media, and that the distrust occurred even in the absence of public knowledge about how corrupt the media really has been since 2010, the media immediately turned its pre-election story about President Trump's inability to be a good President and its smug prediction that he'd be trounced into a post-election story of accusations that he'd stolen the election.
He didn't steal the election, regardless of what Russia did or didn't do. He didn't depend on the media to win, nor did he worry that much about crafting an image. He was elected because people voted for him.
It's the media that's not treating the public as if it is constituted by "fellow Americans," by acting as if the millions of people who voted for him voted by mistake, because Russia manipulated them, or because they are stupid.
It wasn't by mistake, most Americans are used to people trying to manipulate them, and the truth is that more of them didn't want another Democrat to be elected than did.
The world fell apart while Barack Obama was the President of the United States. People want the world to stop falling apart.
It is enough that President Trump is being investigated; many other Presidents and elected officials should have been investigated throughout American history and weren't. The media is making money from demonizing President Trump, the way that it made money when demonizing me was the only way to make money in every industry that was even tangential to the media from 2010 to the time that Me Too gained prominence.
There's no reason that the media shouldn't report meticulously researched and relevant news about the government. There's no reason that the media should continue its sustained assault on the idea that it's the media's right, not the public's right, to decide who is elected President and who isn't.
Rather than continuing to abuse the right of free speech and a free press to ridicule the President, which reduces the efficacy of his administration everywhere in the world, the media should be trying to provide clear and intelligent information about the world, so that everyone can make good decisions.