He definitely didn't need to ask you more than once, since it's what you spent your entire adolescence "praying" for. I guess he finally figured out that I really don't want to marry him.
No amount of money could make me live the life that you're living. You're both total intellectual zeroes; cruel and selfish and full of yourselves.
If I wanted to suck up to a multi-millionaire and do nothing else with my time besides try to make him marry me, I probably still could; throw away my personality, immerse myself in his ersatz religion that doesn't impose ideas such as right and wrong on its celebrity donors and spokespeople, waste my life and betray everything that I ever wanted to be.
I'm not jealous of you; you seem to be jealous of me and to be spending as much or more time thinking about me than you are about your impending nuptials. I don't even know how to spell "nuptials"; the phone had to spell it for me. That's how much of my life I haven't spent obsessed about being married.
All I said was that I thought it was a mistake because you're too young and immature, because you haven't even spent time together as a couple for years, and because being married is just another reality show for him. "Who's the next contestant on the Justin Bieber Show?" Selena Gomez? A middle-aged homeless woman? Someone with no life of her own and who has no other goals?
We have a winner at last.
Since this discussion pertains to superficial people, apparently it has to end in a superficial way. I have never copied anything that either of you has worn; both of you copy me.