Monday, January 7, 2019

I'm not an engineer; maybe teams of artists, engineers, biologists and architects could be given parameters and asked for designs.

I did have some additional ideas yesterday.

If the first several feet or yards of the height of each wall segment were permeable to water, that would help to preserve the pattern of each area's ecosystem, and would probably also not cause flooding by damming up water.

I thought of steel mesh; it would just have to be impervious to being cut.

Then I thought of bullet proof, plexiglass mesh, which someone might have to invent for it to be used.

This morning, while trying to figure out if there is bullet proof, plexiglass mesh, I was informed by Google that bulletproof glass is being placed around the Eiffel Tower.  It's sad and funny that there are people who are calling the glass an eyesore; that's what was originally said about the Eiffel Tower.

My first design yesterday afternoon was inspired by a bagel slicer.  It was of a two-sided, plexiglass wall segment, reinforced in the middle by steel spikes that descend from the underside of the roof into the ground.  If the first several feet of the height of each plexiglass side were permeable to water, then the water could also pass through the spikes, and be absorbed by the ground in the way that it's used to being able to do.  The roof of each wall would be (not like a bagel slicer), wide enough for a drone to land on.  I was thinking that if the roof of each wall segment were also plexiglass, then each drone could be visually inspected through the bottom of the roof every day.

Also, I always thought that having solar energy be part of the wall design was a good idea.  I felt bad about how President Trump was treated for talking about it.

After reading this Tweet from the President this morning,
and also reading about the bullet proof glass that's being placed to protect tourists in France, I started thinking that maybe the wall segments could be reinforced, water-permeable, steel mesh for the first several feet of their height and then bullet proof glass to the top. The steel mesh could be from one side of the interior of the wall segment to the other, like a floor.

The other thing that I was thinking about is that a month without a paycheck is enough to make a lot of people homeless.  Even if nobody who is out of work, or working without pay, because of the government shutdown ever turns against the Trump administration, homelessness is not a nice way to reward them. 

I'm dealing with being homeless, so I'm not talking about myself.  I don't have a family to support.