Saturday, January 26, 2019

My living death

I can't have a phone conversation or send an email or a text without it being observed by the conglomerate and exposing whomever I'm contacting to the conglomerate's phone and computer hacking.  This isolates me from humanity, in a way that is starting to seem as if it will be permanent.  

I can't date.  That would be an issue for anyone; I am a 44-year-old woman with few years of reproductive viability left. 

I can't really have friends.

The conglomerate's tyrannical, unethical and illegal surveillance of me prevents me from having anything other than a semblance of normal, human interaction.

Although President Obama was corrupt, and it's ridiculous that the same people who used his race to portray the promotion of crime as if it were another civil rights movement are now acting as if they are the world's moral protectors, it is no less disgusting that President Trump has turned President Obama's last name into a joke about orgasms, or that he is also committing the same crimes of phone hacking, computer hacking and voyeurism. 

When I can, I try to turn my inability to stop the hacking to whatever positive advantage it can be turned, considering that it's a miserable way to live and sets an Orwellian precedent.  There is no way to turn the voyeurism to a positive advantage, not even to a positive advantage that is slight by contrast to the negatives.  It is all negative; it is worse than death.