Zac Efron turned 22 in 2010. He was the star of the High School Musical movies. I have never seen them; their image is innocuous, certainly by contrast with what the conglomerate has turned him into.
For a few years, the conglomerate made him their corrupt star. Like most young celebrities, he's so ignorant and devoid of independent thought that it was no arduous task for the conglomerate to manipulate him into promoting everything on its agenda of human rights abuses targeting women and children. The conglomerate even insinuated that he should run for President.
The conglomerate's love of crime doesn't extend to people who implode into drug abuse, because it implies loss of self control. He was exonerated for his assault charge, obviously; maybe Apple Pay should just be synced with police cars so that taxpayers can at least be saved the costs of rich people being arrested in the first place.
"Mr. Efron, I see that you're a Platinum Offender. Sorry to have interrupted your evening. Is there anything else that I can do for you?"
While he seems to have recovered from his substance abuse problem, which he did while free from the type of scrutiny which the conglomerate has lavished on my bowel movements, he has not recovered from the conglomerate's campaign of misogyny.
He is now promoting his new movie, in which he plays Ted Bundy.
What kind of leaders turned him into what he is now? Good leaders or bad leaders?
I don't have millions of dollars to protect my image, the way that celebrities do, and it shows. Here are quotes from Carey Martell, one...
Although my life is really awful, I am not in the dire situation described at the previous page. Unfortunately, I'll be 46 this summer...