Saturday, August 17, 2019

Good start, but it's not simple.

There's a lot to gender inequality.  

One problem is the division between "Good Women" and "Bad Women" which seems to be endemic to every culture in the world.  The criteria for what a "Good Woman" is vary slightly from one country to the next, and place obediance to a male-dominated structure above chastity.  In the United States, a chaste woman who criticizes male dominance is more likely to be the target of ridicule and slut-shaming than a promiscuous woman who otherwise conforms to the status quo.  

A pernicious issue in the United States is the defining of respect for women as a dividing line between who deserves respect and who doesn't.  That line is based mostly on the criteria I've just mentioned, is easy to cross in one direction and almost impossible to cross in the opposite direction.  Those on the "Good Woman" side of the line are continually aware of it and coerced by it.  Those on the "Bad Woman" side are in danger of everything from social isolation to the inability to be employed to rape and murder.  Correction: we're all in danger of being raped and murdered, no matter which side of the line we're on or how many degrees we are from it in either direction.  

What continues to be lacking in the United States, particularly in the antiquated, self-perpetuating bubble of media/entertainment/politics, is the fundamental recognition of woman as a fellow human being to man.  The English language betrays me even while I try to articulate that problem, and it's one of many languages which fail in that respect.