Friday, August 16, 2019

Of course she's saying nothing about rich people criminally victimizing everyone else.


There are hidden, illegal cameras criminally victimizing unsuspecting, innocent people throughout the Boston area, and Taylor Swift knows it.

I'm all for equality, and she knows that, too.  She and everyone else complicit in the voyeurism and involuntary pornography that have proliferated from the conglomerate's promotion of it since 2010 are resolutely selective about whose rights deserve to be respected.  

Speaking of poverty; I don't know what's wrong with my phone.  It stopped being able to edit pictures a few weeks ago; I published a page about that, but I don't know if anyone read it, and I didn't feel like saying it again because there are so many things that I say every day that nobody who is intent on exploiting me notices.  I bought a card so that the phone should have more storage, but sometimes the editing works and sometimes it doesn't.  


Yes, you're welcome that in 2013 I said that you didn't know how to dance and that you needed to take some lessons.

No, they had been paying attention.  

There are worse people whom Taylor Swift could have copied, and worse causes which she could be taking up.  

The person who did this to her was only fired because she is wealthy.  Otherwise, her complaint would have gone nowhere.  There's no discussion of that, nor is there recognition that she watches people in the bathroom like the rest of the conglomerate.  

Yeah, all of your songs about what a jerk I am had nothing to do with marginalizing me.  You didn't use me at all.  You never hacked my phone and took words from it and used them in your lyrics or for "inspiration."  Those things never happened, because I'm not a person, so what people do to me doesn't count.  

Does she remember partnering with UPS to promote voyeurism and involuntary pornography on the sides of UPS trucks? 

This is nauseating.  

If she means President Trump, he's over that now.  He's all about doing favors for celebrities.  

Let me guess what you didn't talk about.  You didn't talk about all of the PEOPLE being criminally victimized by the voyeurism and involuntary pornography which both of you have victim-blamed me for and promoted since the middle of President Obama's 1st term.  You didn't talk about all of the sexual harassment against women, specifically against me but also against women as a group, which you have both perpetrated since then, also.  

Gosh, I can't imagine.  It must be really stressful and hurtful to have everything that you do be so scrutinized.  That's why you turn off the cameras in the bathrooms of your multi-million-dollar homes for a few hours at a time, huh?  Wait, you don't have cameras in your bathrooms.  Why not? You and everyone like you have spent years displaying your certainty about how much PEOPLE WHO AREN'T YOU enjoy having cameras in the bathrooms.  Why wouldn't you want to have this way to relax in your own homes? It's much less expensive than a vacation, and it gives your fans more reasons to LOVE you.  Isn't that also what you've all been saying for so many years, that you won't tell anyone that I'm telling the truth because you love me and that's why you want to watch me in the bathroom? It's not that you're controlling, hyperprivileged, hypocritical bullies; I'm just kinda stupid. I misunderstand you.  I'm one of the many NONWEALTHY people who misunderstand you.  

It's like what you have.  It is not like what I have, because you are rich and I am poor.

There you have it, folks.  The media's favorite feminist copy strikes again.  If she's doing all right, then things can't be that bad for women everywhere; that's the message that the mainstream media wants to send.

Since the dancing criticism has worked out for her, and since probably nobody else in the technicolor universe through which she trapises is going to tell her, here is some additional criticism.  She needs a college education.  She, like many pop stars in their late twenties, is nearing the end of what a high school education gave her for ideas and the ability to articulate them.  I read the lyrics to one of the songs which she just published.  That's my advice.  

My advice to politicians is to steer clear of celebrities.