Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Are the scripts that I wrote circulating the way that rumors and accusations about me are?

I really doubt it.

I didn't know that I was a talented scene-writer until I started writing scripts.  I knew that I was good at other writing, but that was a surprise.

It's not nothing for me consistently to decline offers to do what I'm good at, particularly since so many other people are making money from ridiculing me and from ripping off my scripts.

Has anyone noticed all of the people who are rich and famous who have hit on me and whom I haven't even bothered to acknowledge?  I know; everyone who wants to be derogatory toward me still wants to cast me as a mercenary, as laughable as that is after all of these years of my rejecting wealthy people in the midst of my poverty.

I have some genres.  There are people who have coinciding interests.  I'm not a pin-up, not even a paunchy pin-up, comparing the net worths of my suitors before I make a selection.

I'm also my own publicist, for all the good that does me.  I don't have paid professionals spinning my story to ensure that I can work, even for low wages; quite the contrary.