Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Justice Kavanaugh lied under oath with the goal of being confirmed to the Supreme Court.




He should have withdrawn from the nomination so that he wouldn't have to lie under oath.

His ambition was more important to him than denying what his previous victims said.  He's not stupid; he knew that they had to lose for him to win.

Is that your definition of being a "better person?"

Also, there are a lot of grown men who never tried to sexually assault anyone when they were younger.  Please stop sending the message that boys have no responsibility for their actions.  People can change; anyone can change, including adults, but that shouldn't mean that you can try to rape someone when you're young, lie your way through it when you're older, get what you want and then have female reporters excuse you.



Keyser might have arranged the gathering?

What does "dated once or twice" mean? Went on one or two dates? Dated exclusively for a few months, then broke up, then dated exclusively again, then broke up?  Hung out in groups of people, knew each other socially, and made out or had sex a few times?  While drinking? As part of a group of kids who, unlike Dr. Ford, drank regularly?

"Recovery" from what? From black-out drinking? 



Small world.


Yes, it is, and you have already given your wrong opinion.  "He's a better person now" is an opinion.  He may be a better person in many ways; hopefully, most people are better human beings as adults than they were as teenagers.  However, as an adult, he was willing to attack the reputations and the safety of the women who were his previous victims, so that he could receive a lifetime appointment to decide on interpretations of the law for the entire country.