From Google:
Harvard responded appropriately, a year before Hollywood's open secret about the serial rapists who own the media and entertainment industry, and their enablers, stopped being a secret.
The media and entertainment industry is actually called the Media and Entertainment (M&E) Industry.
From Google:
It's unfortunate that the L.A. Times article doesn't mention that Representative Hill was the victim of involuntary pornography distributed by her abusive husband. It's understandable, although not admirable, that a California newspaper doesn't even recognize the impact of that betrayal on a woman's career in an article about the sexist behavior of someone who might directly profit from her loss and public humiliation. California is the epicenter of the industrial world's misogyny.
The failure of the newspaper to discuss that side of the issue can't even be called ironic. It is a glaring example of the double standard for gender.
Senator Sanders could not have made a worse decision. He can't be characterized as merely insensitive or uninformed, particularly at his age. He is sexist. He has a pattern of sexist behavior.
This endorsement can't be excused by saying that Mr. Uygur is a voice for working class people. Working class women are at high risk of being sexually harassed and otherwise abused. They have the fewest protections from that abuse, the fewest resources available to them to have it stopped, and are virtually guaranteed to be retaliated against for reporting incidents, particularly incidents perpetrated by people who aren't working class.
Mr. Uygur is a voice that we desperately don't need in Congress. He has his show. He has social media. He can use his right to free speech to say almost as much nonsense as he wants, and that should be enough for him.
Quote from The Washington Post:
I'm sure that all of the Squad members are appalled by Senator Sanders' decision. They're free to take their time to think about what they have to say about it, and they are.
If I'm not mistaken, this is the same Squad that has had not only a critical but a derisive, collective feeling about my interactions with President Trump since he was elected. I'll tell you what; I knew that President Trump was a chauvinist, and I never pretended otherwise. I believed every woman who ever accused him. I also have said from the beginning that I would not stand in the way of prosecution for those crimes if someone were to bring that prosecution. I prioritized discussions of the systemic, immediate destruction of an entire country, Syria, and other issues, over the individual crimes of this elected President, because those people were willing to fight and die for their freedom and the entire world has let them die.
You want to talk about rape? Google "Syria rape."
I knew what I was doing, and it seems that 75% of the Squad didn't. Now that Senator Sanders has them on board, he figures he has the checkmarks that he needs in the Gender and Diversity columns, and he's going to do what he wants.
Does everyone who has disliked the sometimes-friendly tone of my online interactions with President Trump think that, in 6 years of homelessness since 2011, I have never had conversations with sex offenders? I'm sure that I have had many meals with sex offenders, played chess with them (they all won; I'm bad at chess), taken the bus to shelters with them, slept on the other side of a wall from them. How do you think people should talk to sex offenders? How do you think that I should have tried to survive the life that the conglomerate has forced on me since 2010?
If the shelter system really invested in helping people continue a positive trajectory when they leave jail, it would save lives. That system doesn't even try.
The Pine Street Inn is definitely New England's leading provider of homeless services. That means that the systemic failures are even worse everywhere else.