Monday, January 20, 2020

Quentin Tarantino is my polar opposite as a script writer.

I realized that yesterday.  I have spent all of these years arguing with the industry's stupidest people, the actors and other finished products of a system that glorifies violence, degrades everyone, and takes no responsibility for how it influences society.

Most of the time, it hasn't occured to me to take up these issues with the puppeteers, although they correctly identified me as a threat to their world order from the beginning and are obsessed with my subjugation and destruction.

There has to be something about my writing that the entertainment industry values.  Although nobody seems to be able to make a phone call or write an email to stop voyeurism and involuntary pornography from criminally victimizing the public without whom none of these people would have careers, there hasn't been a day since before 2010 that someone hasn't been ripping me off.