Tuesday, January 28, 2020

The United States needs a female President.

What about a female President, Vice President and Secretary of State?

They're all male now.  Why shouldn't they be all female next time?  What else can send the message that women's lives are to be respected as much as men's? 

Anyone can argue all day about how the world ought to be, what's fair, and who is right or wrong.  None of those arguments can ever be as convincing as the fact of substantial numbers of women wielding the power that is now and always was primarily wielded by men.  Good men or bad men, or both, they're not women.  

Life isn't getting better for girls and women in the United States.  Sexual violence and domestic violence are out of control, and generations are being programmed to think that there's nothing wrong with these crimes and that the fault is with the victims.

The conglomerate has enshrined being seen and not heard.  It's not just toxic; it is totalitarian.