Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Is this what the film looks like when you're watching me in the bathroom, you FAKE, LYING PIG?!

I turn the light off, but the camera records this much of an image?

It really doesn't matter to you or to anyone else who knows that I'm telling the truth how many times I ask that someone corroborate these crimes, does it? You are not about to relinquish the feeling of power over other people's lives.

It is an industry of liars and sociopaths.


More pathetic celebrity "soul-searching" to show your fans what incredible people you all are.

Guaranteed nontopics of conversation:

-illegally watching people in bathrooms for years

-exploiting me to write hit songs featuring themes such as homelessness, which you never would have thought about if it weren't for me, using the music videos for those songs to include even more references to VISUALLY SEXUALLY ASSAULTING me and everyone else whom the conglomerate has victimized 

-laughing in my face while I continue to live in the subsistence-level poverty that has enabled you and everyone like you to take advantage of me year after year, more and more sure that you can do anything you feel like doing to your victims because not only is nobody stopping you, President after President has done nothing about it and neither has anyone else

-how you believe that these crimes are approved by Jesus because you do everything you can not to realize that money runs this disgusting world

You don't know how to stop exploiting women.  The most grotesque abuse is normal as far as the industry that has perverted you is concerned.  You think my anger about it is funny.