Monday, February 3, 2020

Thank you, President Trump.







All of that is great.  I am impressed.

I'd like to suggest that you set aside funding for therapeutic and rehabilitation services, education and job training.  Housing is an important first step away from these debilitating situations, but if you don't address the aftermath and provide structured paths to healthier futures, they're going to end up in homeless shelters, jails or hospitals or be otherwise fragile, vulnerable, hostile, and with other problems.  The full range of human responses to enduring major abuse needs to be considered and addressed so that the survivors can be fully integrated into society.  

Your administration might have to research and develop the track by which survivors can be successfully stabilized.  Rescue is only the first step.  That type of research and development is interesting and rewarding, and the process will also help your administration and subsequent administrations to know how and when funding can be the most effective and economical. 

Is the European Union involved with this?  Shouldn't the government of every country be, since the Internet has no boundaries and trafficking is international and mobile? 

You're going to save lives, President Trump.