Sunday, April 5, 2020

Charlie Puth

Why don't you read this article and think about what the responsibility of everyone who has achieved your level of fame is?

At no time ever am I going to date you.  Not today.  Not tomorrow.  Not 5 years from now or 10 years from now.  Not ever.




Since September, the music video for your song, "Mother," has had more than 19 million views.

YouTube and Atlantic Records are as culpable as you are; more so, because they are part of the industry that has eroded almost every vestige of a conscience that you might have previously had.  Far from being ashamed, that industry takes pride in corrupting people and in viciously abusing anyone whom it can't corrupt. 

In addition to the kids whose parents don't know what's going on, there are parents who don't care about their children, who are already abusing them themselves or who are allowing them to be abused by other kids, other adults or other family members.  There is also a criminal justice system that is behind the times by about 60 years, from every local police station to the highest courts, legislatures and executive offices.  Not only do they not understand the impact of the Internet beyond the basics of Twitter, they all seem to still think of rock n' roll and other forms of entertainment as mediums whose primary goal is the world's emotional liberation, rather than the criminal, billion-dollar, predatory behemoths that they really are.  

The performing arts serve an important cultural function which has been betrayed.