Monday, April 20, 2020

Is Cate Blanchett a good writer and I haven't heard about it?

Natalie Portman went to Harvard.  Has she done a lot of critically praised writing since then?

Is Cosmopolitan magazine a publication that historically produces writers of literary renown?

It doesn't seem to me that these are people who are invested in women's equality.  It seems to me that they profit from stereotypes.  I challenge stereotypes and refuse to profit from them, so I inadvertently make them feel bad about themselves for their shallowness and cowardice.

I have never done anything to any of them.  I really haven't.

Degrading women who refuse to inhabit stereotypes makes the world safer for women who inhabit them.  Men who might question their own behavior see prominent women or groups of women attacking a female target or showing indifference to her pain and they retreat to the more comfortable conclusion that the target is untruthful or overreacting.

Everyone who knows what has happened to me knows that it's a crime and knows how I feel about it.  I have been unequivocal, despite a lot of pressue to relieve everyone's guilt by saying that nothing is wrong.

Ms. Blanchett and Ms. Portman are two of the most respected women in their industry.  It appears that they enjoy their pedestals too much to risk them by confronting reality.