Wednesday, April 8, 2020


However, I already know that nobody at the listed resources is going to believe me.  It is both depressing and frightening to contact agencies that are supposed to help and not to be helped, so contacting them at all is a task requiring a lot of fortitude at the times when it's the most difficult to have that fortitude.

All of the people who know that I'm telling the truth about the voyeurism also know that nobody is going to believe me; those who hack my phone and email have spent years watching me desperately and futilely contact similar agencies for help.

Let's not forget that you don't believe me, either, and neither do any of the other politicians who have known about my blogs for years.  That is, those who haven't participated in promoting illegal voyeurism and other crimes don't believe me.

I did visit the website.  It seems all right, although it ought to have RAINN listed at its first page and it doesn't.  I have talked to the people at RAINN for several months, and it has helped me to regain some sanity and sense of being a person and not a numb, besieged and psychologically battered animal.  Unfortunately, I have to keep my conversations there nonspecfic about what is happening to me, because there is not enough awareness about crimes such as voyeurism and involuntary pornography, and they don't seem to believe me, either, even though they say "Everyone deserves to be believed."

Although the problems I have talked about for years won't be solved today, here is some information from the janedoe website.