Friday, May 1, 2020

I understand what you're talking about.

Your profile picture at Twitter is of you mimicking me throwing my head back while having an orgasm in illegally filmed video of me from 2011.

Everyone who knows that I'm telling the truth knows what you're saying.  Nobody cares that my rights have been violated for so many years.  The social media of celebrities and other famous people is full of years of all sorts of references to their enjoyment of dehumanizing and criminally victimizing me.

Trying to humiliate and degrade me has been the conglomerate's main pastime for a decade.

Charlie Puth is a liar.  Elton John is a liar.  President Trump is a liar.  The media is full of liars.  The list goes on.  

Scooter Braun, manager of Justin Bieber and Ariana Grande, wants high school girls to send him video of themselves "putting on" their prom dresses?  

At 26, Mr. Bieber and Ms. Grande are already of questionable age to be asking high school students to send pictures of themselves, even fully dressed.  


As long as there are no consequences for these people, they're only going to get worse.  They have gotten worse for a decade.  They don't think they're doing anything wrong.  They just keep giving away money, and they think that restores the balance.  That's if they ever think about it.

I know that what I'm describing is so horrifying that people who don't know that I'm telling the truth can't believe it.

The richest and most powerful people and organizations in the world really can hurt the public for all this time, without the public knowing and without anyone trying to stop them other than me.  There isn't anyone who can stop them; they have to decide to stop, and they're enjoying their power to commit crime too much to stop. 

Who's going to save the children from people like Margot Robbie? 

This is a video that Margot Robbie did with Vogue in 2016, to ridicule me for being criminally victimized by voyeurism in the second apartment in Massachusetts where I was targeted for these crimes.

In the voiceover, she ridicules my having said that I was so stressed out from the voyeurism that I was starting to have short-term memory loss.  Specifically I said that there was a day when, showering in the dark, I couldn't remember the previous minutes.  It wasn't just that I couldn't remember whether or not I had already washed my hair; I couldn't remember those minutes at all.  

That's her pretending to sit on the toilet.  She's a movie star, so she can have the sink in front of her.  Despite the palimpsest of lies that the conglomerate has told for all of these years, nobody would consent to living the way that I've been forced to live, and there's nothing glamorous about it.  It is sordid and vicious.

I have never had "six-pack" stomach muscles.  I also have never used placenta on my face.  I have tried to use low-cost products to take care of my skin and to follow professional advice about how to take care of my teeth.

John Mayer also filmed a video ridiculing me for taking care of my skin and teeth when I was living in that apartment.

The conglomerate has called me old since 2010, the year that I turned 36.  Simultaneously with sexually harassing me and using the pretext that I'm superhumanly beautiful to excuse targeting me for voyeurism, it has bullied me about everything from the spider veins on my legs to acne to drooping skin on my neck to gum recession to thinning hair on my head to body hair and public hair whose profusion doesn't meet current standards.  The conglomerate knows that I'm impoverished.  I think its malicious enjoyment of my inability to maintain perfect beauty in poverty and as I age surpasses its malicious enjoyment of watching illegally filmed video of me showering, using toilets, tweezing nipple hairs, and so on.  As I have said, for years one of its jokes was that it was going to turn the lights on, because the conglomerate thinks that my attempts to have privacy by turning off lights when it's possible is funny.  

You'd think that bullying me about being old and ugly would deter them from bullying me about taking care of my skin and teeth, but they enjoy bullying too much and are too used to never being confronted for their abuse of other people to worry about that.  

At the end of the Vogue video, Ms. Robbie, pretending to be me, is captioned as "Australian Psycho."

When I was living in the apartment that I had from 2016 to 2017, Kim Kardashian West ridiculed me for trying to keep my refrigerator organized.  Some time after she did that, she was the victim of an attempted robbery in one of her homes, and it also turned out that she was being recorded by hidden cameras.  She didn't think being recorded by hidden cameras was as funny when it happened to her.  Her sister, Kourtney, thought it was funny when I was futilely trying to defend myself in the retaliatory eviction case brought against me by the property management for asking that the hidden, illegal cameras be removed from the apartment.  Most of the conglomerate thought it was funny for me to be evicted twice in a row in the same way.  

My trying to keep my apartment organized was also referenced by Adam Levine in this music video:

I never had all of those bottles of milk in my refrigerator.  That was just another joke from people who like to tell themselves that they haven't spent a decade torturing a person who has real emotions, rather that my psychiatric history gives them not only license but an imperative to torment me.  

The sexual harassment that started in 2010 revolved around the slur that I was dirty, that I had a dirty vagina.  You'd think that the years of battering me with slurs about being dirty would make them realize that I was trying to be organized in the apartment that I had from 2012 to 2013 and the apartment that I had from 2016 to 2017 because I knew there were hidden, illegal cameras in both apartments and I was trying not to give them ammunition to use in more rumors about my being dirty.  Instead, they started a rumor that I was autistic and had obsessive-compulsive disorder.  

That rumor didn't stop Justin Bieber from publishing a post at his social media in 2017 calling me a "Bathing Ape" after I was evicted and had joined a gym so that I could have a locker for some of my things, so I could work out, so that I could take showers longer than the 10 minutes allowed to homeless women at the Pine Street Inn, where women are only allowed to shower during a specific window of time at night.  Once, I used a razor to shave hair from my butt, and that was filmed by hidden, illegal cameras in the gym's shower room.  That's why Mr. Bieber, who has claimed for years to be a devout Christian, called me a Bathing Ape.  

These are only a few instances of my being bullied by the conglomerate.  There are thousands, spanning a decade, far too many to document.  

After the 6th or 7th year, I stopped thinking the words "This has to end soon; they're going to realize how wrong it all is." I am now used to thinking "It's never going to end." 

I hate this song.  You can listen to it and you'll know why.  

It also doesn't seem to me that among the many rumors that were told to Camila Cabello about me was a discussion of my having tried to be organized in my last apartment.  If she'd been told that, she might not have believed what she was told to believe when I moved to the apartment that I have now, where I don't try to be that organized.  Obviously, from lyrics to the song, "Liar," that was written for her by Lionel Richie, she was told to give a sexual connotation to my leaving clothes on the floor like normal people after I change.  I live like a caged animal in this apartment, too.  

I'm not lying.  

"Beyond repair." That's what the lawyer for the property management of the second apartment building where I was criminally victimized by voyeurism said to me.  She said that my "false accusations" of voyeurism had damaged the tenant-landlord relationship so that it was beyond repair.

Everyone whom I have mentioned at this page knows that I was telling the truth.  Then, as now, I asked for months that someone who knew that I was telling the truth corroborate it.  I haven't confronted anyone at my apartment building about the hidden, illegal cameras in the apartment that I have had since the end of last August.  I just live with the abuse, and even though everyone who watches me knows that I have to live with it or I'll be called a crazy liar and evicted, still nobody stops thinking that it's funny and nobody is corroborating it.

The entertainment industry doesn't seem to realize that the way it has treated me and so many other innocent, unsuspecting people has damaged my relationship to that industry beyond repair.  There is nobody in that industry whom I want to be friends with, date or work with.  

I'm able to write even-tempered pages for President Trump to read because I have always maintained enough emotional distance to do so, and because he does other things with his time than abusing me.  Although he has also enjoyed abusing me, his life and his work don't revolve around that abuse.  Refusing to caricature a President because that's the trend of the moment is not the same thing as investing hours in the life of someone who pretends to care about you but who does not care if you live or die.  It's also not the same thing as being targeted by people just because it's what everyone around them is doing.  

The entertainment industry has what it always wanted from me; it doesn't want me to be a writer for that industry and I'm not going to be.  Although I don't know how many other lives that industry has mirthfully, spitefully ruined during its existence, I have no doubt that it has always driven away talented people with its insipid cruelty.  

It's difficult for me to think that I won't hate the entertainment industry until the day that I die.  

For Justin Bieber to call an album "Changes" is fucking ridiculous, like most of what he does and like most of what that stupid, corrupt industry does.  Nothing changes except to worsen.  

Apparently, Vogue really likes Margot Robbie and has never called her a slut, despite the nude and other sexual scenes that she was required to do for the role that made her famous in the movie "The Wolf of Wall Street."

That's Ms. Robbie's answer to a question about whom she'd like to spend time with, and that reminds me to mention one of the single most appalling things anyone has done.

From Google:

J.K. Rowling named her American school for wizardry after "mentally ill," "Vemont," and "horny." She set the school in Massachusetts.  She has turned me into a permanent, stigmatized, sexualized joke in her literature for children.  

Rich people.  I'm telling you.