Saturday, May 30, 2020

Ms. Reade has nothing to do with Ms. Roe.

From Google:

It's not surprising that the New York Times has a headline like this, lumping "women's issues" together to call us all a bunch of liars, except for the women who work for them and who pay their mortgages and gain their editors' approval with their prim condemnations of other women.  

"Revisiting Tara Reade."  That has the ring of a story that's finished as far as the New York Times is concerned, doesn't it? 

The temporary suspension of the usual pattern of decimating an accuser's life was terminated in weeks, even days, by the fucking Democratic Party.  The media resumed that pattern with a vengeance, with all its shoddy, biased, frenzied, derivative reporting, delivered to the world steaming like manure in February but taken seriously because of media reputations and media repetitions.  

The media has power.  The media abuses its power.  The media hurts women by abusing its power.