It seems as if Ms. Reade was just a story for you. You haven't defended her. You haven't defended your interview of her, which was good except for the unempathetic way that you pressured her for unnecessary details of her assault that she had already said that she didn't want to talk about and which left her in tears.
You haven't reTweeted from her Twitter or talked about all of the negative consequences that have befallen her for talking about what happened.
You can't possibly say that you're merely respecting a journalist's obligation to be impartial. You take pride in not being impartial about all sorts of things.
Like so many other people, you quickly moved on from her in bids to be influential.
This does explain some things. I didn't try to find out that you went to a private high school which has been featured in an article by the Wall Street Journal about private high schools. I did a Google search of your age, thinking that perhaps your youth is what has made you greedy and insensitive.
"Power to the people," is that what you think your guiding philosophy is? Yet Ms. Reade could scarcely be more representative of regular people who are taken advantage of rather than mentored or at the very least not abused at work. Her life was irrevocably damaged by her experience working for Vice President Biden when he was a Senator, and it seems to me that you have no idea what it is like to be disillusioned by the elite with whom you purport to feel no solidarity. You don't know what it is like to feel that afraid, not only of one person, but of a world that allows a perpetrator to flourish while a survivor tries to survive.
I read through your work history as it's described by Wikipedia. There's a pronounced absence of anything that could be construed as menial labor. I'm not saying that you're not theoretically sympathetic to working class people.
Is your cultural heritage also the reason that you've been attacking Israel? You feel like you have something to prove?
Bad people, regardless of their backgrounds or their politics, use other people. They think of other people as the means to an end. Whether that end is the fulfillment of personal ambition or a political agenda for "the greater good" is irrelevant.