There was nothing I could say, and people didn't figure it out. It is so depressing when the mainstream media clarifies its predatory interests, and so nauseating when it disguises them in moralistic admonishment.
Yeah. Right. I don't get it. I'm a "Karen," and therefore homophobic. It's not that being homeless for a total of 6 years means living with everyone whom society most discriminates against. Nobody talks about "intersectionality" in a homeless shelter. You just sleep, eat, brush your teeth, and otherwise live in your individual, emotional and often physical hell inches away from whites, blacks, latinos, Asians, gay people, transgender people, people with girlfriends, people with boyfriends, people with terminal illnesses, people with everything that can run you over in every fucking intersection that life has.
Also, being dependent on social services, by dint of being very poor, means encountering a higher-than-average percentage of gay people in leadership roles. Some of that is because of marginally more inclusive hiring practices. Much of it is because discrimination in the workforce means that there are gay people who are willing to work hard jobs that pay little, train little, require little education and have few rewards.
When you have routinely encountered gay people who have power over you, it is more relevant to your survival if they're good or bad people than if they're gay. Some are good; some aren't. You stop extending an automatic assumption of goodness to people just because they're gay, because you're not living in a 20-or-30-year or lifetime extension of a 1st-year college trust exercise facilitated by a resident advisor in your dorm half an hour before dinner.