Wednesday, September 23, 2020

My pubic hair isn't blonde.

Neither is the anal hair that I waxed in the shower at Boston Sports Clubs locations.  Once I shaved it, and Justin Bieber posted at social media about "Bathing Ape."  I self-waxed to save money, much to the amusement of the multimillionaires and billion-dollar media and other companies that have it on film.  My body hair has been a topic of discussion and hilarity for the entertainment industry since 2011.  I think that the 2019 Italian movie, "Piranhas," might have referenced the waxing.  

Why is THIS news, instead of the criminal voyeurism victimizing thousands of people?

From Google for "AOC":






Everybody misspells things sometimes.  After mixing up Representative Ilhan Omar's first and last names in a blog post that I published, I developed a phobia about mixing up her names and still check every time that I write a page about her.

That's not quite the same thing as Representative Omar not being able to remember if she'd had an affair with the man to whom she's now married when he was married to someone else.  I didn't have a lot to say about that, since it's not my business.  However, the stark contrast between how she is treated by the Democratic Party and the media and how I am treated by the Democratic Party and the media is apparent to me, if not to them.  

Also, I remember every day, with the name of this blog, that little girls are being tortured by female genital mutilation, that women who have undergone this torture suffer all their lives, and that they and their infants are at higher risk of birth complications because of it.  Congress doesn't.  Congress doesn't care when people who aren't rich are tortured.