Like many men your age who do not work in that industry, you have spent decades around intelligent, educated women. You work with them. You employ them. You have read articles and books written by them without a thought about their gender. When they are talking on television, you are used to considering what they're saying according to criteria that have nothing to do with their gender.
You have heard them testify. Dr. Blasey Ford was by no means the first woman whom you have heard testify whose mind is not revolving around what she and other people look like all day. Probably, you believed her. Before the hearings, I was writing that then-Judge Kavanaugh should withdraw. Everything about Dr. Ford was credible and I knew that, in addition to telling the truth, she was going to make the hearings indelible.
I am a Democrat, and even so, I knew that for then-Judge Kavanaugh to withdraw was in the best interests of the Republican Party. I'm not right all the time, but I was right that time.
Mr. Harrison is being very businesslike at Twitter. What he'll do if he's elected, I can't say.
It is definitely time to separate the entertainment industry from politics and to equalize the media's treatment of political parties.