-that the investigation would be productive
-that the investigation would not be a real investigation from the Russian side, and that Russian subterfuge would provide the U.S. and its allies with another basis for criticizing the Russian government and imposing penalties
In a world that can destroy itself with nuclear weapons, is either of these possibilities all that bad? Shouldn't people who have conflict try to contain that conflict in the realm of discussion, offices, papers, fax machines, even in the contentious contexts of podiums and press rooms?
Also, when someone in the U.S. is accused of a crime, is actually arrested of a crime, that person has the right to plead "Not Guilty." Then you have the trial, the evidence and opposing arguments are presented before a judge and jury, and at the end there's a decision. Then there are decisions about the decision, having to do with sentencing. That's called due process, isn't it?
If that's how we think that we should treat a person, why wouldn't that be how we treat another government?