Before I talk about them, I have a question.
Why did no reporter capitalize on the theme of global denuclearization? Media discussion at or about the press conference could have done that, so why didn't it?
Russian reporter:
😂. Not me. I didn't use Russian fuel for anything. How dare you suggest such a thing?
Why was there no discussion of this:
If unsustainable and environmentally destructive energy sources weren't continuing to be made lucrative by corruption everywhere, they would be universally condemned and obsolete. I don't know how many other correlations between money and destructiveness are as direct and deplorable as the correlation between established, and therefore temporarily easier, methods of making money and the unnecessary and ultimately suicidal destruction of the environment. The richer countries are poisoning the planet and literally making the poorer countries eat and live in garbage.
President Putin is within his rights to say that the U.S. and Russian governments could work together to investigate allegations of Russian interference in the U.S. election.
The United States does not have the right to dictate how other countries answer our concerns. When both a process and the offer to utilize the process are present, we shouldn't disparage them.
If Russia is surreptitious, it's because the United States is obstreperous. (That sentence is my retribution against all Russian translators for the question about Boston fuel. I know that only one person asked it; you all have to pay the price.)
Every country in the world, other than the United States, knows that the U.S. likes to tell other people what to do. There's been no century during which that wasn't true.
Does the United States have to accept, without objection, everything about a Russian/U.S. investigation that might be objectionable? No. If you don't like something, you say that you don't, and the other side responds. Then there is resolution, or additional negotiation and then resolution. That is called Problem Solving.
What lawyer wouldn't want to be part of that process? Isn't this type of situation why people attend school for international law?