This is how the article begins:
"Why would those who have been sexually assaulted by someone close to them stay in touch with their abuser?
The question has come up in the weeks since it was revealed that the actress and director Asia Argento arranged to pay off
the actor Jimmy Bennett last year, after he accused her of sexually
assaulting him in 2013, when he was 17 and she was 37. They remained in
contact, though not in a relationship, in the years leading up to and in
the time after the alleged assault. Ms. Argento had known Mr. Bennett
since he was a child, when they first worked together.
Argento herself entered into a relationship with Harvey Weinstein after
she says he sexually assaulted her, when she was 21 years old and he
was in his 40s. Despite that encounter, which she said caused “horrible
trauma,” they were involved for years afterward, which included
consensual sex."
From what I have previously read about Ms. Argento's physical interactions with Mr. Weinstein after the first assault, they are more accurately called sex acts, and perhaps even more accurately called hand jobs to avoid having one's career ruined.
From what I have previously read about Ms. Argento's physical interactions with Mr. Weinstein after the first assault, they are more accurately called sex acts, and perhaps even more accurately called hand jobs to avoid having one's career ruined.
The ad for the article, at the first page of the New York Times' website, has the title and then also says "Asia Argento stayed close with Harvey Weinstein. Jimmy Bennett stayed in touch with Ms. Argento. The dynamic is not uncommon, experts say."
The New York Times is trying to say that Ms. Argento is as bad as Mr. Weinstein; that's what everyone who wants to discredit her and Me Too is saying, and it's a lie.
Mr. Weinstein routinely committed violent rape. He knew that he was raping people. He expressly threatened and attempted to intimidate his victims so that they wouldn't talk about it. He did ruin people's careers. He did these things for decades.
The New York Times is trying to say that Ms. Argento is as bad as Mr. Weinstein; that's what everyone who wants to discredit her and Me Too is saying, and it's a lie.
Mr. Weinstein routinely committed violent rape. He knew that he was raping people. He expressly threatened and attempted to intimidate his victims so that they wouldn't talk about it. He did ruin people's careers. He did these things for decades.
Ms. Argento published the Tweet on September 7, 2018. The New York Times published the article on September 9, 2018, implying that she is a serial predator instead of a woman who was seduced by a 17-year-old male who went to a hotel room to have sex with her and who could have pushed her off him if he had changed his mind. The New York Times did not mention the clarification.
Mr. Bennett, who privately accused Ms. Argento when he was in his early 20s and knew that her activism about sexual violence could be discredited if he publicly accused her, was immediately given financial restitution and is $380,000 richer for it. She did not threaten him in any way, start rumors about him or try to ruin his career. She did not have him followed or spied upon. She did not ask him to sign a nondisclosure agreement to prevent him from talking about it. There was nothing else that she could do, unless he wants her to spend time in jail for her mistake in fulfilling his teenage fantasy about her.
Here's another quote from the NYT article:
"Dr. Fontes also stressed that putting the onus on the victim to extract themselves misses the point. “It is perhaps more important to ask why some men choose to sexually abuse their partners, again and again,” she said."
The New York Times is watching me in the bathroom and hacking my phone. The newspaper therefore knows that I have filed two anonymous reports with the Boston Police Department, reporting the voyeurism, and that the police are doing nothing.
The New York Times hasn't stopped ridiculing and blaming me for being victimized by the voyeurism that the New York Times and many other media sources have promoted for years. The New York Times has no concern for the hundreds, if not thousands, of people who have been victimized in Massachusetts since 2011 and who are being victimized every day.