Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Please report these crimes so that they can be stopped.

The Boston Police Department has done nothing in response to my reports about voyeurism in gym locker rooms in the Boston area.  I am not believed.

The Pine Street Inn's administration has done nothing in response to my reports about voyeurism in the women's locker room there.  I am not believed.  The Pine Street Inn also has a policy against guests contacting the police for issues that occur at the shelter.  Guests who contact the police can be given suspension of services, meaning that they are not allowed shelter there.

What about other homeless shelters, psychiatric facilities, and everywhere else that a vulnerable population's reports are guaranteed to be discounted and never investigated?  Without a doubt, the crimes of voyeurism and involuntary pornography have been perpetrated at multiple homeless shelters and psychiatric facilities in Massachusetts since 2011. 

How many other tenants in Massachusetts are being criminally victimized by voyeurism and involuntary pornography because of the success that employees of two apartment buildings in a row had in calling me delusional and a liar and evicting me for objecting to hidden, illegal cameras in my home?  How many other states are becoming unsafe for tenants because maintenance people and other property management employees know that the only people who will be punished for these crimes are the victims who report them? 

Neither I nor the hundreds, if not thousands, of the unsuspecting people who are being criminally victimized by this human rights abuse every day are asking for these violations.

The negligence of everyone who has specific knowledge about these crimes is sickening.

This is the information for anonymously telling the Boston Police Department about crime:

Call CrimeStoppers Tip Line at 1 (800) 494-TIPS or text the word 'TIP' to CRIME (27463).  The Boston Police Department is interested only in your information, not your identity. Your tip is 100% anonymous.

"The Venezuelan government denies that its public hospitals are suffering from shortages, and has refused multiple offers of international medical aid."

The title of this page is a quote from a 2016 New York Times article called "Inside Venezuela's Crumbling Mental Hospitals."

Here's the address of the article:

When the article was published, I wrote a page (at a past blog), criticizing it for emphasizing the importance of psychiatric drugs over food.  I have nothing to add to that criticism; it was and is valid.

However, there is no question that many of the patients whose pictures were taken for the article were starving to death.  Why none of the hospital employees seemed to be anywhere near starving is a question.

As someone who's been in more U.S. mental hospitals and psychiatric units than I can count or remember, I can tell you that I've never been anywhere that a patient bit off another patient's nose.

Does the Russian government have a Ministry of Ridiculous Public Statements where it sends some of its employees for training?

Quote, 2018:

"Russian Permanent Representative to the United Nations Vassily Nebenzia said the attempted aid delivery over the weekend was like an "illegal state border crossing" that amounted to a "forced feeding."
"What took place on Saturday was reminiscent not of assistance, but what is called forced feeding in the United States," he said. "For the uninitiate, this is a form of torture, apparently having trained on their detainees on Guantanamo, the US authorities now decided to force feed a whole country."

I don't even know if I should read the news or try to write about it.

It's stressful, and frequently I don't know if I'm helping or making things worse. 

My blood pressure is going up.

I have always had low blood pressure.  Now it's consistently 10, 20 or 30 points higher than it used to be.

The way that the conglomerate has forced me to live is destroying my health, one part at a time.

Monday, February 25, 2019

When I'm called paranoid and a liar and evicted for objecting to being criminally victimized by voyeurism

do the people who watched me in the apartments where this has happened also see the maintenance employees or other employees of those apartment buildings go into the empty apartments and take the hidden, illegal cameras out? 

Do they take the cameras out, or do they leave them there to victimize the next tenants, since they succeeded in lying about me with no consequences to themselves? 

How many other tenants in Massachusetts are being criminally victimized by voyeurism because I've been evicted both times that I've been the victim of this crime in two separate apartments? 

What about tenants in other parts of the country, where news of how easy it is to blame your victim for this crime has traveled? 

Maybe I finally understand the conglomerate.

It finally occurred to me, a few weeks ago, that the conglomerate thinks of being beautiful as an achievement.


The conglomerate thinks of being beautiful as an actual achievement; an achievement that is more relevant to a woman's life than anything else that she could be.

I have seen almost no episodes of American Idol.

I was around one evening where someone had a television, which is why I saw Adam Lambert sing on American Idol in 2009.  I didn't see all, or even most, of his performances.  However, I thought he was really talented and original, and what I was thinking was "I don't think that industry is going to be nice to him."  I don't know how I knew that; I knew almost nothing about the entertainment industry then.

I didn't watch the Oscars last night.  It is sickening to see an entire roomful of people sitting there all teared up and/or laughing and clapping for themselves and each other, so full of emotion for nobody who isn't them.  I'll be illegally filmed in the bathroom today; so will a lot of other unsuspecting people in Massachusetts, many of whom probably watched the Oscars last night, having no idea that all of the stars sitting in that room are doing nothing to stop the privacy of their fans being criminally invaded every day, in ways that will be permanent for the rest of their victims' lives and even after they die.  In addition to all of the people who are tapping into the hidden and illegal cameras that are in bathrooms in Massachusetts, the video from them is probably being livestreamed to websites all over the world.  It will circulate, reaching an ever-larger audience, forever.  

This morning, when recaps of the Oscars informed me that "We Are The Champions" was part of the opening act for the show, I was angry.  I marched somewhere that I could use my laptop so I could scold Mr. Lambert for being a sell-out, and then after reading some of his Twitter, it occurred to me that he might not know that, a few months ago, I published a blog page about the 1984 movie "Revenge of the Nerds."  "We Are The Champions" was the theme song for that movie, playing during its finale.  That movie was a lot of things, including an homage to misogyny.  Voyeurism and involuntary pornography, committed against a sorority, are prominently featured in the movie.  There was no term for "involuntary pornography" then; this is a similar situation to there being no term for "sexual harassment" before the 1970's.  

What the movie also exemplified was a social dynamic in which a marginalized and humiliated group proves that it doesn't really care what's fair to everyone; it just wants to be as powerful as the dominant group.  The criminal victimization of the women in the sorority is not only presented as live entertainment for the "nerds," who sit in their own fraternity house and watch video from the cameras which they installed in the sorority house, it is also used to emasculate the "jock" fraternity.  The nerds print naked pictures from the illegal video and use them as the lining for pie plates which they fill with whipped cream.  Then they sell the pies at a booth during a school contest.  The jocks figure out why there's a line of people for the pies by buying one.  While one jock scoops the whipped cream from the pie plate, the other asks him if it's good; the eating jock shrugs, saying "It's ok," and the other jock questions aloud why so many people are buying them.  By the time he finishes that sentence, the eating jock has scooped enough of the whipped cream out of the pie plate to see the naked picture of the other jock's girlfriend at the bottom of the plate, and says "That's why."  The other jock is visibly upset:  he says, "That's MY pie," which, among other things, is a play on words about the sorority having the letter "Pi" in its name.

What the jock didn't say was "My girlfriend is being violated."  There's no concern for that at all; his concern is for himself.  He thinks of his girlfriend, and her body, as being his property, and so do the nerds, and so do the violated women as they are portrayed in the movie.

According to the movie, what did the sorority women do to deserve to be the targets of voyeurism and involuntary pornography?  They were mean and snobby, and they did not want to sleep with the men from the nerd fraternity.  This being male-dominated movieland, not only does nobody file charges against the nerds, the leader of the sorority breaks up with the leader of the jock fraternity so that she can date one of the leaders of the nerd fraternity.  The rest of the brothers from the nerd fraternity content themselves with continuing to date the ugly and socially awkward sisters from the nerd sorority, whom years of rejection have made not only passionate but rather uninhibited, particularly when high.  This is also presented as a joke; the proverbial movie joke about ugly people having sex, from an industry which has spent more than a century commandeering all sexual activity as the province of the beautiful or of those who are able to dominate the beautiful.

How did the nerds join a fraternity in the first place?  They were accepted by the only fraternity to whom they didn't send a group picture.  This turned out to be a black fraternity; lots of jokes about that in the move, also.  No matter how smart the nerds are, eventually they need some physical protection from the results of their pranks; guess who's there to provide that?  Black men who, despite their college degrees and respectable employment, are used to evoke the physical menace attached to them by an industry for which no stereotype is ever off-limits.  

I wrote about "Revenge of the Nerds" on October 15, 2018.  I also wrote about "Porky's" on November 28, 2018.  That's another movie from the 1980's which prominently features voyeurism and involuntary pornography, and which also portrays the women being victimized as amused and flattered when they finally know about the cameras in their showers. 

It can be difficult to be articulate in the midst of the rage that takes over when I'm writing about this type of thing.  

Who at Bank of America is approving television and train station ads that promote child molestation?

Bank of America was one of the first corporations to promote that crime.  Obviously, Bank of America is unfazed by the public outcry about the horrific child abuse that has continued when people thought that the issue was going to improve. 

The public doesn't yet know why the issue not only didn't improve but worsened, because the media and everyone else who participated or who knew about the conglomerate's promotion of child abuse and other sex crime are continuing to lie. 

Sunday, February 24, 2019

Please report these crimes so that they can be stopped.

The Boston Police Department has done nothing in response to my reports about voyeurism in gym locker rooms in the Boston area.  I am not believed.

The Pine Street Inn's administration has done nothing in response to my reports about voyeurism in the women's locker room there.  I am not believed.  The Pine Street Inn also has a policy against guests contacting the police for issues that occur at the shelter.  Guests who contact the police can be given suspension of services, meaning that they are not allowed shelter there.  

Neither I nor the hundreds, if not thousands, of the unsuspecting people in Massachusetts who are being criminally victimized by this human rights abuse every day are asking for these violations.

The negligence of everyone who has specific knowledge about these crimes is sickening.

This is the information for anonymously telling the Boston Police Department about crime:

Call CrimeStoppers Tip Line at 1 (800) 494-TIPS or text the word 'TIP' to CRIME (27463).  The Boston Police Department is interested only in your information, not your identity. Your tip is 100% anonymous.

Senator Warren, you ignorant slut.

I'm at the end of my fucking rope.

Start an investigation so that the fucking cameras can be taken out of the fucking bathrooms throughout the state whose safety is supposed to be your first priority.

I'm not making this shit up.  I'm not imagining it.  There are hidden, illegal, fucking cameras fucking everywhere.

Have the fucking cameras taken out of the fucking bathrooms, or I can't support you fucking running for fucking President, even though I'm a Democrat. 

How can you do this to people?

Why is nobody who could corroborate to the Boston Police Department that voyeurism and involuntary pornography are criminally victimizing unsuspecting people throughout the Boston area trying to help?


When I returned to the Pine Street Inn this afternoon, I was informed by other guests that there wasn't an electrical fire in the kitchen this morning.

It was a carbon monoxide leak. 

Last night, I woke up at 1:00 a.m. and was awake for the next 3 hours; shelters are loud places to try to sleep, with so many people in them.

Then I fell partially asleep before being woken up at 6:00 a.m., which is the wake-up time every day of every year, including every holiday, at the Pine Street Inn's homeless shelter. 

Then there was a fire alarm at 6:30 a.m., because of what I'm told was an electrical fire in the kitchen at the shelter.  I had time to put on my sweatshirt, socks and sneakers, which I wore outside with the scrubs that the shelter gives everyone to sleep in at night.  Others were out there in the shelter scrubs (short-sleeved) and flip-flops; no coats, no shoes, no umbrellas, for more than 40 minutes, in the cold and the rain.  There is still snow on the ground.  

Apparently, the shelter has no plan for where to have the guests go in the event of an actual fire, if they can't go back into the building within a few minutes.

I'm also not surprised that there was an electrical fire.  The Pine Street Inn has no interest in repairing the shelter building.  The Pine Street Inn is putting most of the millions of dollars that it continues to take from the good-hearted public toward the apartment and SRO buildings where the Pine Street Inn can be a landlord.

Everyone can stop panicking; I'm here to stop the international emergency that's being caused by the lack of jokes about Robert Kraft.


Are you too busy telling jokes about the crimes committed against me and hundreds, if not thousands, of people in the Boston area to think of these jokes about the NFL's criminal behavior?

Even when I'm sleep-deprived and psychologically abused, I am funnier and less risque than the conglomerate when it's trying to be upscale.


This is what happens when you have too much banging.


Who does the NFL have investigating allegations of domestic violence and sexual assault against its players?  People who CAN'T BE PROVEN, YOU CAN'T PROVE THAT, THE RESEARCH IS INCONCLUSIVE BLAH BLAH BLAH might have had a few too many blows?

When intellectual immaturity meets hysteria

If Jussie Smollett faked his attack, it's what can be expected from someone who spent his life, since childhood, working for an industry that hates education and makes its stars believe that they are above the law and that all ends justify the means against a perceived, common enemy.

The only thing more homogeneous than that industry's power distribution among men and its corruption of women is its stupidity.

The media, which is substantially owned and operated by the same businesses which own and operate the entertainment industry, has offered such hysterical, unbalanced and unreasonable yammering about President Trump since his election that Mr. Smollett's alleged response to it is understandable, although not admirable.

Why spend more time talking about something that stupid?  Give him a fine, probation or maybe a few months in jail, move on.  Like, STUPID, right?  Stupid.


I don't suppose the media could stop undermining President Trump every time he tries to help other people long enough so that brutal dictators who torture, murder or starve their populations will stop thinking they can defy his humanitarian efforts with impunity. 

Is that really too much to ask? 

Sarcasm Alert about Syria

So, Assad and Iran are going to gain control of Syria.


Sarcasm Alert about guns

I hope that everyone who has bodyguards, paid for by taxpayer money, has a nice fucking day today.

End of Sarcasm Alert.

"It went under my heart, came out my back, and shattered the blackboard."


"He shot five of us. I was hit in the calf."


"And then I saw a girl I knew get shot in the head."


"I tried to scream, but blood came out. "


"It didn’t hurt until that last shot. None of the first five hit bone."


"He shot my friend first. "


"The doctors said my chances of walking again were slim to zero."


"They had to piece my stomach and intestines back together. "


"Imagine that someone stabbed you with a knife and wouldn’t take it out, would just push it in."


When are you going to realize, President Trump?

People are dead or permanently injured today because a long list of other people, including you, have FAILED to stop these shootings. 

After initially considering that perhaps the United States has had enough mass murders, you ignorantly ran your mouth a lot; yes, you did, about the "Second A," turning even that into a joke about illegally watching me and however many other unsuspecting people in the bathroom.

The Second Amendment was supposed to be about people having access to guns in case a government turns criminal and has to be stopped.  Guns for civilians are obsolete against missiles and nuclear weapons.  Civilians don't need access to guns; they are useless except for shooting up little kids in school. 

Save innocent lives; repeal the Second Amendment.


More than 150,000 students attending at least 170 primary or secondary schools have experienced a shooting on campus since the Columbine High School massacre in 1999, according to an ongoing and conservative Washington Post analysis that does not include after-school assaults, accidents and suicides that involve guns.




After the shooting rampage at Sandy Hook Elementary in December 2012, they found the body of special education teacher’s aide Anne Marie Murphy slumped protectively over at least one of the 20 students killed there.




There have been more mass school-shooting deaths in the past 18 years than in all of the 20th century. The long list of casualties includes a classroom full of first-graders, an event that shocked the nation — but not enough. Deadlier weapons have become more available, bullets can be ordered online.


President Trump, I don't know if you read about this abortion case in Ireland.

Disgusting ad on television last night

I don't know whose ad it was.

It actually showed a bedside table shaking, with a voiceover that made it clear that there was a couple in the bed having sex.

I think the couple's names were "Tom" and "Tina."

The voiceover actually said that the conception of a baby was taking place in the bed, "next to a picture of Tina's father." 

I don't tend to watch a lot of television.  I saw this DISGUSTING ad while watching television for less than half an hour at the homeless shelter where I'm now living my 6th year of homelessness since 2011, as a result of the conglomerate's vicious and relentless persecution of me.  I have no idea how many other disgusting ads are being broadcast or printed about me every day; this is Year 9 of this nightmare. 

Friday, February 22, 2019

Sexual harassment and crime promotion by Citizens Bank

I have made a correction to the page about Citizens Bank that I published on 2/20/19.  I initially wrote that the numbers on the jerseys of the young, female basketball players in the ad were "45" and "3."  The numbers are "15," "3," and "2."

Citizens Bank hasn't removed that disgusting and offensive ad from the screens at its locations around Boston.  I saw the ad on a screen at a Citizens Bank ATM this morning.  That screen also had another ad that Citizens Bank has been broadcasting for years; it has a check with the name "Lee Leslie" on it.

In addition to promoting voyeurism, involuntary pornography, and the sexual abuse of young, female athletes by their older, male coaches, Citizens Bank is calling me a lesbian.

I'm not a lesbian.

I don't have a problem with lesbians.

I have a problem with Citizens Bank using its advertising to promote crime and to make insinuations about my sexual orientation.

This is the address of the page that I published about Citizens Bank, and the threats to the public and to democracy exemplified by the conglomerate's abuse of me, on 2/20/19:

Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Please report these crimes so that they can be stopped.

The Boston Police Department has done nothing in response to my reports about voyeurism in gym locker rooms in the Boston area.  I am not believed.

The Pine Street Inn's administration has done nothing in response to my reports about voyeurism in the women's locker room there.  I am not believed.  The Pine Street Inn also has a policy against guests contacting the police for issues that occur at the shelter.  Guests who contact the police can be given suspension of services, meaning that they are not allowed shelter there.  

Neither I nor the hundreds, if not thousands, of the unsuspecting people in Massachusetts who are being criminally victimized by this human rights abuse every day are asking for these violations.

The negligence of everyone who has specific knowledge about these crimes is sickening.

This is the information for anonymously telling the Boston Police Department about crime:

Call CrimeStoppers Tip Line at 1 (800) 494-TIPS or text the word 'TIP' to CRIME (27463).  The Boston Police Department is interested only in your information, not your identity. Your tip is 100% anonymous.

Senator Warren is In Da Club!

In Da Club
Go, go, go, go go, go, go, shawty
It's your birthday
We gon' party like it's yo birthday
We gon' sip Bacardi like it's your birthday
And you know we don't give a fuck
It's not your birthday!
You can find me in the club, bottle full of bub
Look mami I got the X if you into taking drugs
I'm into having sex, I ain't into making love
So come give me a hug if you into to getting rubbed
You can find me in the club, bottle full of bub
Look mami I got the X if you into taking drugs
I'm into having sex, I ain't into making love
So come give me a hug if you into to getting rubbed
When I pull out up front, you see the Benz on dubs
When I roll twenty deep, it's twenty knives in the club
Niggas heard I fuck with Dre, now they want to show me love
When you sell like Eminem, and the hoes they want to fuck
But homie ain't nothing change hold down, G's up
I see Xzibit in the Cutt that nigga roll that weed up
If you watch how I move you'll mistake me for a player or pimp
Been hit wit a few shells but I don't walk wit a limp
In the hood then the ladies saying "50 you hot"
They like me, I want them to love me like they love 'Pac
But holla in New York them niggas'll tell ya I'm loco
And the plan is to put the rap game in a choke hold
I'm feelin' focused man, my money on my mind
I got a mill out the deal and I'm still on the grind
Now shawty said she feeling my style, she feeling my flow
Her girlfriend want to get bi and they ready to go
You can find me in the club, bottle full of bub
Look mami I got the X if you into taking drugs
I'm into having sex, I ain't into making love
So come give me a hug if you into to getting rubbed
You can find me in the club, bottle full of bub
Look mami I got the X if you into taking drugs
I'm into having sex, I ain't into making love
So come give me a hug if you into to getting rubbed
My flow, my show brought me the dough
That bought me all my fancy things
My crib, my cars, my pools, my jewels
Look, nigga, I came up and I ain't changed
And you should love it, way more then you hate it
Nigga you mad? I thought that you'd be happy I made it
I'm that cat by the bar toasting to the good life
You that fagot ass nigga trying to pull me back right?
When my junk get to pumping in the club it's on
I wink my eye at ya bitch, if she smiles she gone
If the roof on fire, let the motherfucker burn
If you talking bout money homie, I ain't concerned
I'm a tell you what Banks told me cause go 'head switch the style up
If the niggas hate then let 'em hate
Watch the money pile up
Or we go upside there wit a bottle of bub
You know where we fucking be
You can find me in the club, bottle full of bub
Look mami I got the X if you into taking drugs
I'm into having sex, I ain't into making love
So come give me a hug if you into to getting rubbed
You can find me in the club, bottle full of bub
Look mami I got the X if you into taking drugs
I'm into having sex, I ain't into making love
So come give me a hug if you into to getting rubbed
Don't try to act like you ain't know where we been either, nigga
In the club all the time, nigga, so it's a problem pop off, nigga, G-Unit!
Songwriters: Curtis James Jackson / Michael A Elizondo / Andre Romell Young
In Da Club lyrics © Kobalt Music Publishing Ltd., Warner/Chappell Music, Inc, BMG Rights Management

Democracy is imploding, one Massachusetts bathroom at a time, while Senator Warren does nothing about it.

How is Senator Warren spending her time?



Beyond talking politics, Warren and Jackson exchanged stories about tattoos -- the rapper discussing his efforts to remove some of his and the senator commenting on the number of “nevertheless she persisted” tattoos she has seen since adopting the phrase as a slogan.
Jackson, meanwhile, offered the senator his advice on how to best reach young voters.
“Just relax, you’ve got to loosen up,” he said. “And hip-hop is connected to youth coaching, so hang out with me when you’re the president.”
Warren’s stop by “The Late Late Show” came during a campaign swing through California.
The 2020 Democratic hopeful held a Monday night organizing event at the Alex Theater in Los Angeles.


Citizens Bank

For months, the screens at Citizens Bank's locations have had this ad:

-a group of young, female basketball players, of several races, standing in a semicircle around an older, male, Asian coach

-the numbers on the backs of the young women are "15," "3" and "2"

-the coach is holding a basketball in front of him, with his hand draped over it

-the caption says "Advice is always close at hand."

Almost 3 years after I was harassed by a male student in my Chinese class at college, the conglomerate is continuing to use that incident to promote crime.

Citizens Bank is also my bank, although not really by choice.  I started my bank account with Citizens Bank about a year after moving to Boston because it has the most ATMs.  I didn't want to have to worry about ATM fees if I needed cash immediately, wherever I was around Boston.

Probably, Citizens Bank could hack my bank account and publish degrading, crime-promoting ads even if I weren't a customer of Citizens Bank.  Contrary to what the public is being told, there is nothing stopping corporations, media, governments, advertising agencies, other powerful institutions, and the wealthy, from criminally invading anyone's privacy or harassing anyone.

Who knows if I'm the only person around whom entire ad campaigns have been constructed and shown to millions of people, most of whom don't know who I am?  I've been blogging about the conglomerate for so many years, and am already known to enough of the public because of my blogging and the public's initial, negative response to it that people who have heard of me because of my unflattering Internet presence might eventually start to notice that references to me are cropping up in too many ads, songs, music videos, movies, television shows and professional and social media publications to be coincidental.

What about someone who has previously had no Internet presence, who is randomly or vengefully selected for psychological intimidation and emotional torture by his or her bank, phone company, Internet provider, Google, or any other organization or individual?  Who's going to believe that person?  What legal action can you take against harassment that you can't prove is happening because the method by which it's being orchestrated is invisible?  How can you defend your rights against, for example, a phone company that can post billboards by the side of the road where it knows you'll drive to work that have quotes from private texts or emails that you sent to or received from your spouse or someone whom you knew before you were married?  The attempts to embarrass or humiliate someone don't have to be sexual; all private information from every part of someone's life, past or present, can be taken, distorted, and distributed.

The possibilities for bullying the public into permanent, uncritical submission are endless.  

Tuesday, February 19, 2019

President Trump

Speaking of leaking, the urogenital problem that started in late August of 2016, causing months of anxiety, multiple physical exams and other tests, hasn't entirely resolved.  It took me a couple of weeks of living with pain to seek treatment for it, since I am so emotionally battered from the conglomerate's years of sexual harassment and other abuse.  During my first physical exam, I broke down in tears as soon as the doctor inserted a speculum, and I cried throughout the entire exam.  At one point during the exam, someone knocked on the door to the exam room, and although there was a curtain between the exam table and the door, and the doctor called to the person on the other side of the door "Wait a minute," I could not help screaming "GET OUT" at whomever it was who had knocked.

Unfortunately, this wasn't my last exam.  I had several more after that, including one in which I had to tell a specialist who was trying to insert a catheter into my urethra to obtain a urine sample, "I really can't tolerate you inserting what feels like a large pin into this part of my body."  That's not precisely how I said it, but she took it out.

Another exam, by another doctor, resulted in blood running out of my vagina and onto the exam table.  I did not have my period at the time.  The doctor said that the blood was caused by the inside of my vagina being so unused to having anything even the size of the smallest speculum in it.  As I have also said before, and which the conglomerate continues to treat as if I have never said it while the conglomerate continues to bray its rabid propaganda about my alleged sluttiness being the basis of the conglomerate's treatment of me, I was a virgin until I was 27 and haven't had sex since I was 29.  It's been 15 years since I have had sexual intercourse.  It's been 9 years since I had a physical encounter with another person, even kissing.  The conglomerate's campaign to isolate me from humanity is a wild success and was always a foregone conclusion, considering the conglomerate's power and its array of tactics, including invading my privacy in every way possible and attacking anyone who isn't overtly abusive toward me.

Although most of the problem that started in 2016 was probably caused by a medication that I had been taking for a few years to guarantee that my constant mental distress over being a target of harassment, stalking, voyeurism and threats of violence wouldn't prevent me from sleeping or send me into psychosis, and although that medication was stopped almost a year ago, I continue to have symptoms, such as urine retention, painful spasms and what I am now fearful is the occasional spot of urine in my underwear.  It is known, to people who have taken psychiatric medication but not to the public, that many psychiatric medications can cause side effects that are permanent, even when the medications are stopped.  The "newer" medications are advertised as not causing so many problems, which is a lie.

Along the way of several doctors giving their diagnoses and suggesting treatment options, I have had it suggested to me that physical therapy for my pelvic floor might be helpful.  One of the methods described during that conversation was that the physical therapist inserts a metal ball into the patient's vagina and rolls it around to try to smooth out what might be a ripple, caused by tension, in the pelvic floor.  So far, I have declined hoisting myself up onto yet another table so that another stranger can have a gander at my hoo-haw, let alone insert more things in it.

I would rather not be discussing my health with you in this detail, or at all.  However, since conversation about the area between my legs has been forced on me by innumerable people for almost a decade, I thought I should mention the facts again.

Life's struggles

As I have said before, although President Trump is taking his time having a feminist epiphany, and although I am and always was a Democrat, restraining my elation over the defeat of the hypocritical, dishonest, self-righteous, corrupt version of the Democratic Party in 2016 was a challenge. 

This is what part of the New York Times website actually looks like today.

Weeks later the actress Lena Dunham, one of Mrs. Clinton’s most visible celebrity supporters in her 2016 presidential bid, told The Times that she warned two Clinton campaign aides against associating with Mr. Weinstein. “I just want you to know that Harvey’s a rapist and this is going to come out at some point,” Ms. Dunham said she told the campaign.
Nick Merrill, the communications director for Mrs. Clinton, said at the time Ms. Dunham spoke publicly that she was mistaken. “As to claims about a warning, that’s something staff wouldn’t forget,” he said.
A version of this article appears in print on , on Page A13 of the New York edition with the headline: Clinton Opted to Shield Adviser Accused as HarasserOrder Reprints | Today’s Paper | Subscribe

"Despite her treatment, she doesn’t blame Clinton."

Quote, November 19, 2017:  

Despite her treatment, she doesn’t blame Clinton. Adams still draws comfort from the woman she worked to get elected president. “When I criticize the Hillary campaign, I am not criticizing her,” said Adams. “She was actually a source of inspiration during the hard days.”


What about 2016?

Quote, January 3, 2019:  

But the Sanders campaign isn't alone when it comes to accusations of ignoring sexual harassment: A Huffington Post story from November 2017 details allegations in both the Sanders and Clinton campaigns. One Clinton staffer reported being harassed for months before her superiors took action. From the article:
But even after her abuser was fired, his work with the party—and the campaign—wasn’t over. In October 2016, Adams said she discovered to her astonishment that he had been rehired the previous month to work on the campaign with a different state party. “So he was technically fired but still ended up working for Hillary via the [other state] Democratic Party,” said Adams.
It was a disappointing turn of events, and one that left Adams deeply disillusioned. “You have a lot of young passionate people who want to help change the world through Democratic politics,” she said. “Older Democratic operatives see this passion and exploit it, putting us in an extremely stressful and unhealthy work environment.”
These are stories that are depressingly common for any workplace, and campaigns most definitely are a workplace and need to be treated like it. It's not unreasonable to expect people running for office to embody the values they invoke on the campaign trail, but it doesn't matter how principled a candidate is if their campaign doesn't have the infrastructure to protect its staffers and hold transgressors accountable.


What is Hillary Clinton saying, that she's not a leader, she just follows the trends?

Quote, January 31, 2018:

But she points out that the events took place long before the "seismic shift" in social attitudes towards sexual harassment.
Mr Strider was Mrs Clinton's faith adviser and has continued to send her scripture readings over recent years, the New York Times said.


Is the mantra for political campaigns that harassment is acceptable but losing isn't?

Quote, January 26, 2018:

The complaint was taken to Ms. Doyle, the campaign manager, who approached Mrs. Clinton and urged that Mr. Strider, who was married at the time, be fired, according to the officials familiar with what took place. Mrs. Clinton said she did not want to, and instead he remained on her staff.
Ms. Doyle was fired shortly after that in a staff shake-up in response to Mrs. Clinton’s third-place finish in the 2008 Iowa caucuses. And Mr. Strider never attended the mandated counseling, according to two people with direct knowledge of the situation.


Burns Strider was Hillary Clinton's spiritual advisor?

Quote, January 26, 2018:

Mrs. Clinton’s campaign manager at the time recommended that she fire the adviser, Burns Strider. But Mrs. Clinton did not. Instead, Mr. Strider was docked several weeks of pay and ordered to undergo counseling, and the young woman was moved to a new job.
Mr. Strider, who was Mrs. Clinton’s faith adviser, was a founder of the American Values Network and sent the candidate scripture readings every morning for months during the campaign, was hired five years later to lead an independent group that supported Mrs. Clinton’s 2016 candidacy, Correct the Record, which was created by a close Clinton ally, David Brock.
He was fired after several months for workplace issues, including allegations that he harassed a young female aide, according to three people close to Correct the Record’s management.


"But Bernie shouldn't be blamed for his Bros."

Quote, January 4, 2019:

But Bernie shouldn’t be blamed for his Bros.
Yes, he had to repudiate an essay from his hippie days in which he wrote of women fantasizing about rape. But anyone who tells you they never said or wrote things during foolish youth that they wish they could take back is lying. I said things I regret. So have millennials — look at Sanders’s sexist backers, at least those with a conscience.


My response:

Of course, because everyone knows that the hippies were all about using rape as an instrument of peace.  Me, I prefer using sarcasm, but we all have our idiosyncrasies.  

"Forgive him," because he's "macho."

Quote, January 2, 2019:

In an interview, Ms. Mendieta said that she complained multiple times to Mr. Velazquez and Mr. Pelletier about Mr. Carmona and was repeatedly ignored, at one point being told by Mr. Velazquez that she should forgive Mr. Carmona’s behavior because he was “macho.”


Senator Sanders was "a little bit busy."

Quote from January 3, 2019:

One of those woman is Giulianna Di Lauro, who worked as a Latino outreach strategist for Sanders. She told the Times of an uncomfortable day spent with a handsy campaign surrogate. When she reported the man’s behavior to a campaign higher-up, she was not taken seriously, she says:
When she reported the incident to Bill Velazquez, a manager on the Latino outreach team, he told her, “I bet you would have liked it if he were younger,” according to her account and another woman who witnessed the exchange. Then he laughed.
Jeff Weaver, who ran Sanders’s campaign in 2016, admitted to the Timesthat there were problems on his team. “Was it too male? Yes. Was it too white? Yes,” he said. “Would this be a priority to remedy on any future campaign? Definitely, and we share deeply in the urgency for all of us to make change.”


My response:

Isn't "Velazquez" a Latino name?