Men aren't ridiculed for being parents the way that women are.
At the same time that female parents are ridiculed, they are expected to be perfect parents. They have to say all the right things. They have to wear all the right things, even if they have acquiesced to their children's demands that every last penny be spent on brand name clothing and gadgets. They have to be pretty in a way that is as sexless as a prepubescent (ought, no sarcasm) to be. They can't be frumpy. They can't be attractive. They have to be both competent enough to make life as easy as possible for their children and innocuous.
They can't be too loud, because that's embarrassing. They can't be too soft-spoken, because that's annoying, and anyway, haven't they heard that women have to stop letting people walk all over them?
If you're a woman, and your son or daughter is in therapy, it's your fault. If your son or daughter isn't in therapy, it's your fault. If your child of any age is confused about gender, it's your fault. If your child meets every norm, it's your fault, an accident, a miracle or a tragedy, depending on whose opinion you're not soliciting.