I wish that she would do something about the voyeurism that is plaguing the state which she represents. She is failing to take action about that problem, as is every Massachusetts politician.
Also, maybe I haven't mentioned before that, as much of a dichotomy as there is between what providers of homeless services in Massachusetts say about their organizations and the reality of what those organizations do, there are far more services for homeless people in the Boston area than in Vermont. That's not only a function of the difference in the number of people living in Vermont than in Massachusetts. There are not enough shelter beds for the homeless in Vermont. To be homeless in the winter, for a lot of people, means to leave the state or to die. The lack of services is probably a contributing factor to women remaining in abusive relationships, particularly if they have children.
Senator Sanders' initially brusque reply to allegations that some of his female staffers were sexually harassed by men who worked for his 2016 campaign didn't surprise me.
Vermont is not nearly as progressive as its reputation suggests. If it were, I wouldn't have been trapped there for 20 years by my psychiatric history and by being female. If I hadn't been born there, I might not have had a psychiatric history at all.
I also remember Senator Sanders' 2016 campaign ad, set to the Simon & Garfunkel song, the lyrics "They all came to look for America" as the voiceover.
I realize that the Squad has an investment in victim-blaming me rather than in acknowledging that it has ignored all of my reports of voyeurism and involuntary pornography since every member of that Squad was elected. That doesn't mean that I am at fault for those crimes or that they have the right to judge how I have coped with a horrific situation for so many years, in the absence of literally anyone taking responsibility.
I do not have an official capacity, and so I have more latitude for compromise than do people who do have official capacities. That is one of the few trade-offs of my having avoided direct forms of power. Also, I am so compromised, have to live my life in such a compromised way, that I don't have a lot of options. I experience my life as being extremely confining.