Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Representative Ocasio-Cortez
You are far from being the only person who has said almost nothing about Syria, almost nothing about Venezuela, nothing or almost nothing about all sorts of things while you have obsessed all day, every day, about impeaching President Trump. The State Department has taken most of the responsibility of trying to address those issues. Vice President Pence has also done a lot of work, which is almost never acknowledged. Although I don't agree with the Republican Party about a lot of things, I've been impressed by the Vice President's dignity during the years of gratuitous, counterproductive vitriol thrown at the White House; thrown by people who have thin skins. I have never heard of him undermining the President or exploiting the country's chaos for his own gain. President Trump could not have chosen a better partner; that is also impressive.
If you endorse Senator Sanders for President, I will make the argument that there isn't any particular reason that you should personally wield a disproportionate amount of power in Congress or in the media as a member of Congress. I've been thinking about that anyway, although I wasn't planning to mention it.
You are pretty as a picture, but I think it's time that everyone stop pretending that a big, fat, old Latina woman who thought and said the same things as you could have won or would be given so much airtime every day. The rest of the Squad isn't, although some of that might be the scarf; we'll never know.
It is sexist to treat a beautiful, young woman as if she is wise beyond her years just because she isn't stupid. Being smart is supposed to be a prerequisite for being elected; it's not the be-all and end-all.