Wednesday, September 2, 2020



From Ryan Grim's Twitter:

I left my apartment for a few hours, muttering to myself.  I finally stopped swearing; I'm still muttering while typing this.  I don't know if the Covid mask is helping or enabling.

Mr. Grim, you don't have to do this, either:

Why don't you do what you should have done from beginning, and wait for more information?  

Really what you should have done from the beginning is remain impartial and try to gather more information from all possible sources.  What you have done over the past weeks is take a side, and argue for that side not only before you had all the facts, but argue in such a way as to preclude contradiction, so that people who might have more facts are most likely to have been intimidated by now so that they won't talk about them.

Since you have offered so much support to Mayor Morse, who was clearly too young to be elected mayor and who should have withdrawn from the race because of the evidence of his predictably immature judgment, why don't you recuse yourself from additional, public discussion of this story at least until there is a concrete, verified account of it with additional information?  There is no reason that you can't befriend him, as long as you acknowledge that you're not impartial about what has taken place.  Just leave it.  If, at some time in the future, Mayor Morse needs a venue to tell his side again, you can provide that as long as you are both truthful and accurate.

I am not at all condoning what Mayor Morse did, nor am I suggesting that he run for any office again.  You threw him into national glare, and he was glad to have the support even though it encouraged him to make more bad decisions.  Having been homeless, I have known people who have been in jail, people with all kinds of problems.  Everyone needs friends; you were a friend when you should have been a reporter.  Why don't you try to be a smarter friend and a more impartial reporter?  You can't be both for this person or this story, and it would be unkind for you to dissect him now.  

Perhaps you can also lay off Israel, or at least provide a larger context.  People are in confinement in refugee and worse situations all over the world.