From Katie Halper's Twitter:
Nobody has the right to impose deleterious standards of professional behavior on Massachusetts or anywhere else, or to malign the state or its residents for refusing to have those standards imposed. Teachers and elected officials aren't supposed to sleep with college students; Mayor Morse did. That should have been the end of the story, and it didn't have to be national news.
As far as I'm concerned, the only relevance of the pending investigations is for them to determine whether or not Mayor Morse did anything that was worse than what he has already admitted to doing, and whether or not the methods that were used to expose him were illegal or otherwise punishably unethical rather than merely clumsy, conspiratorial, selfish and stupid.
Political preferences should not be factors in those investigations or reporting of them, if reporters feel that they need more publicity at all. There are people who have had experiences with Mayor Morse. If they want to talk to you, risking their anonymity, they know how to contact you.