If there's some other way for me to say that so that someone takes it seriously and does something about it, I don't know what it is.
I told the police more than once; they did nothing.
I told the administration of the homeless shelter where I have lived since June 2017; they don't care, either.
I talk about it every day. Powerful people all over the world know that I'm telling the truth, and they're doing nothing.
I have talked about suicide because of this issue for years. Nobody gives a shit.
I've been in the hospital more times than I could count; they film me in the bathroom there, too. My life is a fucking misery.
I never should have had to live like this for one day. Nobody should have to live like this.
The train stations have had ads full of jokes for years about watching me in the bathrooms; so have a lot of other places. I don't and never have cared about their opinion; I care that my rights aren't respected.
I think I'll stand at the side of the train platform for a while and think about it.