Wednesday, October 24, 2018

There's not even an "innocent victim" role to "excuse" men for being abused; it is the bleakest isolation, because they are called failures.




I have some questions:

-Are some of the ways that women are mistreated by "the patriarchy" not based on their being women but actually based on how men are encouraged to behave toward other men, to behave toward anyone, in a neverending social/psychological contest?  

-Is the female lack of knowledge of this side of male life a source of anger for men, particularly when women are vocal about being mistreated by "the patriarchy?"  

-It's not inaccurate to say that men are subjected to intense pressure not to speak out about being the targets of everything from bullying to sexual assault, is it?  

-When even men who are overtly misogynist call feminists whiners, is that because those men are angry that women at least have several decades of a social setting to talk about these issues, while men continue to be constricted?