Tuesday, January 8, 2019

Border wall segments

I wasn't planning wall segments with jagged teeth encased in glass.

I was thinking of circular, metal posts to reinforce the glass walls and the roof.  

However, yesterday and this morning I started thinking that the water and sunlight in the enclosures might make things grow in them, so I thought of something else.

What about single-wall, glass/steel segments that have reinforced roofs so that they are Y-shaped at the top?  The first several feet or yards of their height could still be permeable to water, they would be transparent, and they could have roofs that were wide enough and long enough to launch and land drones.


I think that the military bases are an important part of what I have already mentioned.  People and organizations can adapt and evolve to meet new challenges; inanimate objects can't.  

Also, if I'm not mistaken, there are countries in Latin America that have unstable and predatory governments.  That's obvious from the fact that so many people want to leave those countries.  Until all of Latin America is stable and democratic, you can't know how things are going to develop or what new and larger threats might emerge.