Tuesday, January 8, 2019

Nobody should hack my phone.

President Trump doesn't seem to think that his interactions with celebrities make him appear "conflicted," are conflicts of interest, or inappropriately give power to greedy, ignorant people who won't hesitate to exploit their connections to him for their own schemes.  That's in addition to Kim Kardashian West's inability to remain clothed in public even while she's victim-blaming me.

There are no celebrities whom I miss.  I am starting to feel alive again because I have stopped setting myself up for failure by trying to be a friend to those self-absorbed, shallow idiots.  However, I am irked by President Trump's double standard for his social behavior and his unrelenting attempts to control me.

I, and apparently entire countries, are hostages to his caprices, which would be a dicey proposition even without a double standard based on gender, wealth and power.


I wrote that at my phone this past Saturday, after reading this Tweet by the President:


Before today, I didn't publish what I wrote anywhere or send it to anyone.

No American President is President for life, so when President Trump returns to private life, he can be friends with and send out Tweets to whomever he wishes.  While he is the President, he ought to be aware of how he utilizes his publicity, and to consider how other people might utilize it.

Are these the Tweets from Mr. West to which President Trump was responding:


This is the United States, and so Mr. West is free to wear his hat wherever he wants and to say pretty much whatever he wants at social media.

However, I didn't appreciate President Trump spending months calling me "angry" and "conflicted" in his code publications at social media.  I'm being illegally filmed in the bathroom every day, and so are hundreds, if not thousands, of other people in Massachusetts, many of them black, and most of them probably women.  My human rights are being violated; I have been forced to live as if I have no rights for almost a decade.


It is particularly terrible that all of these human rights abuses are being inflicted in Massachusetts, which is a historically pertinent part of the United States in terms of what was supposed to be a struggle for freedom for everyone.

This is another Tweet from Mr. West, which he published right before his Tweet about performing with his hat on: