Friday, August 16, 2019

Does the New York Times remember all the years it spent promoting sexual abuse, before President Trump was elected and before Me Too and the gymnastics scandal?

The New York Times is one of many media sources which hacked the hidden, illegal cameras in both of my last two apartments in Massachusetts.  You ridiculed me on your front page for your crimes against me, remember? You sat there and did nothing for 5 months while I asked that someone corroborate that I was telling the truth so that the property management would stop calling me a crazy liar and accusing me of harassment for saying that the cameras were there.  

The world was spiraling out of control for years before President Trump.  You're one of the many organizations which made it spiral.  While you were promoting crime and guffawing, the world fell apart through your negligence.  

The way that I've been treated since 2010 is totalitarian.  Intimate surveillance.  My phone hacked.  My email hacked.  My bank account hacked.  For years, when I bought food, many of the companies which manufactured those products would subsequently put harassing packaging on them.  That's the least of the advertising onslaught to which I've been subjected, FOR THE CONGLOMERATE'S AMUSEMENT.  The immediate surveillance of anyone with whom I interact.  If I send a text message, make a phone call, send an email or have a conversation with anyone outside or even indoors where there is a legal and visible security camera, the conglomerate is privy to it.  The investigations of everyone whom I ever knew, even people whom I haven't had contact with for decades.  I am treated as if every part of my life is the property of my abusers.  My options are to expose employers, friends, and everyone else with whom I am in contact to the conglomerate, to live a life of isolation, or to kill myself.  I don't know when the conglomerate is going to stop thinking that this is funny; maybe there's no point in asking that question when the conglomerate even thinks it's funny when I'm illegally filmed in the bathrooms of Massachusetts psychiatric units where I have fled when the conglomerate's abuse has made me overtly suicidal.  

I hate to break it to you, but democracy isn't self-driving.  It also creeps me out that UPS is.  I feel like I should be wearing a shirt that says "Robot Roadkill."