Saturday, August 17, 2019

Money never stops winning.

So Taylor Swift, who has never had a real job in her life, is now going to make more money in ads for Capitol One, where she pretends yet again to be me.

I am good at food service.  

Taylor Swift, who knows nothing about employment which has requirements other than for her to be the star, is hacking my phone.  She has now partnered with Capitol One and is using her illegal surveillance of me to continue the conglomerate's campaign of privacy invasion and turning my life into a neverending joke.  

My jokes to my last employer and coworkers about hoping not to drop things at work (which I didn't) were not for Taylor Swift or anyone else who criminally, casually invades my privacy for amusement to read.  

To say that people such as Taylor Swift are hyperprivileged and live their lives with a grotesque and complacent feeling of entitlement is an understatement.  

Obviously, what Taylor Swift thinks she's going to continue to do is illegally gather information about my life and make more millions of dollars by publicizing it.  

If that's what she and a corporation such as Capitol One can do with one summer of my working at a food service job, how could I even try to advance in my life? What career could I build while she and everyone like her are reading every email, intercepting every phone conversation, probably also hacking the phones and email accounts of my employers and my coworkers, interpreting and publicizing my life? 

This is why I didn't try to get a job from 2011 to 2012.  It's why there have been other gaps in my employment during the conglomerate's interminable campaign of abuse.  It's why I curled up in a ball in my first apartment from 2013 to 2014; that and intense, suidical depression from having already been criminally victimized by voyeurism and involuntary pornography for a few years, while homeless, before moving to that apartment and realizing, from the conglomerate's gossip and to my horror, that there were hidden and illegal cameras in that apartment, hacked and livestreaming me to everyone who wanted to join in the orgy of power-and-control, the voyeuristic gang rape.   

One retaliatory eviction, two more years of homelessness, another apartment with hidden, illegal cameras from 2016 to 2017, another retaliatory court case and terminated lease, two more years of homelessness (a total of six and counting since 2011), continual illegal voyeurism and involuntary pornography during my years of homelessness, harassment at and suspension from school (where I had almost a perfect grade point average until I was harassed because of my Google search results), another reincarnation of the ever-sporadic women's movement, a President from the other party, 5 jobs (always precarious because of my Google search results) and an infinite amount of denial from everyone who could put a stop to the abuse later, I'm still being criminally victimized and blamed for it every day.