Sunday, September 15, 2019

I would leave this alone if I were you, President Trump.

Justice Kavanaugh was clearly lying under oath during the hearing.  He should have withdrawn instead of brazening his way through.

I haven't said much about it since his confirmation because I thought there would probably be people doing research that would result in books and articles, and that the truth would eventually be unavoidable without my talking about it.

It is a tragedy for everyone concerned.  

These are people who shouldn't be underestimated. They were, and that was a mistake:

Their support, and the support of other people whom they know, mean that nobody's going to be able to block media investigations and investigations by individual researchers.  "He Said, She Said" worked in the short term, by a very narrow margin, but you lost by winning.  You now have a situation which is only going to worsen.  

Christine Blasey Ford, in her life, her career, and her presentation, is the opposite of a floozy, a nobody, an "angry feminist," anything and everything that you could say to discredit her as a person.  She doesn't flirt with celebrities or have public arguments.  She is a gentle person.  She is married, a mother, has a serious career and no history of questionable behavior.  She was quietly right, and he was loudly wrong, and the contrast was unbearable.   

Speaking of family ties:



I know what it's like to fear homelessness and to be grateful to those who have helped me deter it.  I have not allowed my gratitude to prevent me from criticizing the failures of homeless shelters to help people who need the most help.  Both my gratitude and my criticism are geniuine, and they don't contradict each other.  There are no unflawed people, and since communities and institutions are made of people, there are no unflawed communities and instititions.

The term is "sue for libel," Mr. President.