Why can't you just start telling people what's going on? Do you think it's harder for you to do that than it is for me to live with it, than it will be for all of the people who have been criminally victimized every day for so many years when they finally know?
Every day that passes makes it worse.
If it were happening to you, how would you feel about all of the people who have known about it and who haven't tried to have it stopped?
Since I published a page about that Instagram profile picture yesterday, you have published this Tweet:
You have also removed the picture that says "TOILET PIANO GAME" from your Instagram profile pictures, and you have added these:
There's nothing that makes the crimes committed against me and other people my fault.
That video was also a creepy thing for you to do to those construction guys. It's another example of how you and everyone like you think of regular people as being lesser human beings than you are. They don't know me, they have never done anything to me or to you. I'm sure that they have never heard of me. Didn't you hire them to work on your house? Why are you treating them like that, because you think it's funny and it doesn't matter what they think about it?