I don't and won't apologize for the support that I have given President Trump since his election and for my ongoing effort to be fair. There was certainly nobody in my life or observing my situation whom I could count on, and our rapport was genuine for as long as it could last considering our differences of opinion on major issues. I know that it was, and everyone who has treated him as if he is evil incarnate has wasted time and done the country and the world a disservice, in addition to putting him on the defensive when he might otherwise have been willing to hear other perspectives.
He has been subjected to harassment; not the same genre of harassment that has attacked me for a decade, but a lot of unnecessary flak that has damaged the office and weakened the United States everywhere. You can disagree with someone and even investigate concerns without making a career and a hobby of gratuitous disrespect and ridicule.
I have always said, and it is true, that what people say about me when they're being unreasonable and cruel doesn't affect my emotions or my self esteem. People say what they want to say. My concern is their power to prevent me from living my life; they have done that.
I am also a Democrat. I have never said anything else.
I don't have millions of dollars to protect my image, the way that celebrities do, and it shows. Here are quotes from Carey Martell, one...
Although my life is really awful, I am not in the dire situation described at the previous page. Unfortunately, I'll be 46 this summer...
You already know that I don't think that civilians need guns at all. The weaponry that governments can buy made guns obsolete, in terms...