Tuesday, March 17, 2020


Jared Leto knows all about the voyeurism that is criminally victimizing thousands of innocent, unsuspecting people every day.  He has known about it for years.

You know what, Governor Dean? Screw you and all the crap that people say about me that makes them think I don't have rights.

If I published anything that had a t-shirt like that, it would be the end of my "career" as being someone whose (unpaid) opinion is even marginally valued some of the time.  

There isn't a day that passes that another new or old, exaggerated, regurgitated rumor isn't thrown in my face, but Jared Leto has respectability why?

This is the 2nd story at the 1st page of Google, as if it's world news:

OMG, a celebrity didn't know something! It's news!

It really is being treated as if it's news, while the media remains dead silent about the criminal voyeurism which many media sources have promoted and participated in for years.

Yeah, it's too bad Mr. Leto wasn't around to save the world.  We all know how many people from the M&E industry like to do that. 

Welcome to an apocalypse that actually affects your life, Mr. Leto, unlike the one that you and the rest of the conglomerate have inflicted on others for your amusement for a decade.  

I don't know who or what Governor Dean considers a bigot (people who think that ears should remain attached?), but I'm not whining.

I'm saying that politics in the United States are BULLSHIT.

The suffering that has been forced on me during two White House administrations in a row, one Democrat and one Republican, the smug, VICIOUS, SELF-RIGHTEOUS TORTURE, based on nothing but the enjoyment that a huge group of horrifying bullies receive from it, can't even be called misogyny because of how many women participate in it.  It is the most grotesque elitism of money, fame and power.

The political aspirations of people such as Jared Leto couldn't be more apparent.  I would appreciate it if they would stop being indulged.