There are 6,000 homeless people in Boston. There were 6,000 homeless people in Boston last year.
No matter how much money (MILLIONS) and fawining are lavished on the Pine Street Inn and other homeless services year after year by the media, the government, corporate donors, professional associations and everyone else who either knows nothing about what it's like to be homeless or is a formerly homeless suck-up carefully selected by these services to provide a face to the fundraising, the homeless situation doesn't change.
Even now, when an epidemic is costing Massachusetts additional millions of dollars because of the decades of incompetence, negligence and abuse perpetrated by the homeless services system, nobody is questioning why all of those people are always homeless.
Most people gain weight when they're homeless in the Boston area. Everywhere you turn, there's somewhere to stuff your face. Really. We all talk about it, homeless of the past and present. It's so much more flattering for the powers that be to believe the "Please, Sir, can I have some more" ploy than to question dysfunctional systems that keep people homeless, often despite the strenuous attempts of homeless people to improve their lives.
You don't understand, but that's because you don't want to understand.
The conglomerate wants to believe that I was homeless for 6 of the past 10 years, 2 years each between retaliatory evictions, because of something that's my fault, doesn't it? My laziness? Liking being homeless? Stupidity?
Is there another belief that has circulated about me when I'm homeless? Have media sources such as the Boston Globe which, like the New York Times, illegally watched me in my last 2 apartments, and probably also the apartment I have now, preferred to believe that my homeless interims are so long because I spend time hoping to be rescued financially by a celebrity? Do you know the possibility that's what they think has never occurred to me before?
Maybe those media sources routinely use seductive tactics such as calling people a bunch of greedy, selfish, lying, fucking moronic assholes, or saying and proving that you'd rather die than have one of them lay a hand on you? Tell me, does that work for you? No? I guess that was the wrong tactic for me to use to entice celebrities to rescue me. You'd think after all of these years I'd have figured that out.
The only saving grace from being forced into homelessness again from my last apartment, which was the most beautiful home I have ever had, was that it gave me the opportunity to write about what needs to be addressed about the homeless services system. All I asked was that someone corroborate that I was telling the truth about the hidden, illegal cameras in that apartment; I never asked for money or anything else. Not one person told the truth then, and that's all it would have taken to stop that retaliatory eviction.
From the day that I began my 5th year of homelessness in 2017, I didn't allow myself to think about that apartment. I knew I couldn't get through what I had to do if I thought about what I had lost because of the jeering cruelty of everyone who let that happen to me again. I can't think about it often now, and the people who did that to me and who think that everything is going to be all right between them and me are the ones who are delusional.
It's not going to be all right. What the conglomerate has done is never going to be all right. The least people who know that I'm telling the truth can do is to take responsibility to stop the voyeurism from continuing to victimize the public, even though nothing can fix the damage already done.
As for homeless shelters and other homeless services; most of the time they can't even do what they're supposed to be able to do, which is to help homeless people get housing. Did the conglomerate expect that system to help me with the problems inflicted on me by the conglomerate?