She frequently publishes videos about people "getting what they deserve."
Here's her video about me. As of today, it has had almost 4 million views and 21,000 comments.
SSSniperWolf has personally made almost 4 million people think that I'm paranoid.
It's true that being stalked a lot made me occasionally paranoid. I'm not stalked in person very often these days; it died down a lot after I moved to my 2nd apartment in 2016 and published videos from there. People are much less inclined to stalk someone who has what looks like a beautiful place to live than someone who is homeless.
Apparently her channel has rated a listing by IMDb and she's been profiled by Forbes.
So, this is the success that can be enjoyed by someone who picks on people who aren't rich. Go figure.
For me to meet one celebrity in person is all it would have taken to amaze SSSniperWolf and all the other bloggers calling me schizophrenic, but I haven't chosen to do so.
What continues to amaze me is how everyone who knows that I'm telling the truth has somehow continued to think of me as a greedy, manipulative liar who craves attention and thinks nothing of ruining people's lives.